Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM7490 (AF:440604 AR:249977)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course Audiovisual Translation and Spanish Audiodescription is one of the core subjects of the Master's Degree Course in Translation and Interpreting and Specialised Translation. The course aims to provide theoretical knowledge and technical skills required to work in the professional field of audiovisual translation and audiodescription.
- Develop the linguistic and technical knowledge and skills required for Italian/Spanish translation of subtitles.
- Acquire a basic mastery of the use of subtitling software.
- Recognise the characterising features of written and oral modes.
- Recognise the characterising features of the colloquial variety of Spanish and find functional equivalents for Spanish/Italian.
- Recognise the characterising features of the formal variety of Spanish in semi-specialised texts.
- Translation of semi-specialised texts aimed at the dissemination of scientific research through audiovisual media.
- Giving voice to translated products by applying interpretation techniques for reading aloud.
Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference
Subtitling Translation: Linguistic and Discursive Knowledge
The colloquial register in Spanish
The translation of humour and irony
Basics of subtitling for the deaf
Formatting and spotting subtitles: technical skills
Introduction to the use of the freeware SubtitleEdit
Audiodescription: technical knowledge and skills
Translation of semi-specialised texts for science dissemination
Techniques on the use of voice
Production of podcasts previously translated into Spanish
- Peter Koch e Wulf Österreicher, Lengua hablada en la Romania: español, francés, italiano . Versión española Araceli López Serena, Madrid, Gredos, 2007.
- Antonio Briz, El español coloquial: situación y uso, Madrid: Arco Libros, 1996.
- Antonio Briz, El espanol coloquial en la conversación: esbozo de pragmagramática, Madrid: Arco Libros, 2020.
- Frederic Chaume, Cine y traducción, Madrid: Cátedra.
- Elisa Perego, La traduzione audiovisiva, Roma: Carocci, 2005.
- Eduard Bartoll, Introducción a la traducción audiovisual, Barcelona: UOC, 2016.
- Silvia Bruti, Claudia Buffagni, Beatrice Garzelli, Dalla voce al segno: i sottotitoli italiani di film d'autore in inglese, spagnolo e tedesco, Milano: Hoepli, 2017.
The verification of learning (for both attending and nonattending students) is carried out by means of a written test and a project:
(a) multiple-choice test aimed at verifying the acquisition of the theoretical contents of the course (50%);
b) translation and podcast production project (group work) (50%).
Grades range from 18 to 30 points. A minimum of 18 points must be achieved to pass the course. Turning in both the exam and the group project products is mandatory; you cannot pass the course with only part of the test.
Lectures supplemented with conferences and workshops given by experts and professionals in the field of audiodescription and subtitling (use of software). The course will be conducted in a theoretical and practical manner.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 14/02/2025