Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0093 (AF:430279 AR:217266)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
6 out of 12 of GEOGRAPHY
Surnames M-Z
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
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The course is among the basic educational activities in the three-year degree programs in History and Literature.
The teaching aims to explore - from a geographical perspective - some issues related to the environment and territory, and more generally to the society-nature relationship. In the course of the teaching, the knowledge and interpretative tools useful for the understanding of some central issues for the discipline regarding environment and territory, their processes of formation and alteration and degradation, and their spatial and historical evolution will be provided.

At the end of the course, students are going to know the main elements and most significant historical-geographical processes that define and have defined the relationship between society and nature. In particular, they will know the most relevant socio-ecological issues (use of environmental resources, phenomena of environmental degradation, environmental conflicts) along with the policies and practices adopted for their management by various actors, together with their criticalities and potentials. Again, students will be able to identify the processes of land construction, their evolution from a historical perspective and the particularities of certain territorial configurations. Finally, students will be expected to be able to expound acquired knowledge in writing, in a logical, coherent and synthetic way, using an appropriate linguistic and semantic register.
General knowledge of Earth features and cartography.
The course will address some key issues in the geography of environment and territory: most significant elements (environmental resources, environmental degradation, conflicts), policies and practices of nature management (state, community, private), modes of territory formation and resource exploitation (colonial territorialization, big development projects, bottom-up development), ending with an in-depth look at narratives. The more theoretical content will be accompanied by the presentation of several case studies.
Attending students:
. Course material/notes
. Armiero M., Barca S. (2004). Storia dell’ambiente. Una introduzione. Carrocci Editore. (Available for a free download at the author's personal profile in the website "Academia").
. Patel R., Moore J. (2018). Una storia del mondo a buon mercato. Guida radicale agli inganni del capitalismo. Feltrinelli.

Non-attending students:
. Armiero M., Barca S. (2004). Storia dell’ambiente. Una introduzione. Carrocci Editore. (Available for a free download at the author's personal profile in the website "Academia").
. Patel R., Moore J. (2018). Una storia del mondo a buon mercato. Guida radicale agli inganni del capitalismo. Feltrinelli.
. Geography Notebook (2020), Vol. 3, n. 2, the following paper (available for a free download at ):
1 Michele Bandiera, Valerio Bini, I territori dell’ecologia politica: teorie, spazi, conflitti
2 Michele Bandiera, Valerio Bini, Ripoliticizzare le questioni socioecologiche. Intervista a Marco Armiero
3 Andrea Zinzani, L’ecologia politica come campo di riconcettualizzazione socio-ambientale: governance, conflitto e produzione di spazi politici
4 Isabella Giunta, (Agro)ecologia politica dei conflitti per la terra e il cibo in Ecuador
5 Isabella Capurso, Emiliano Tolusso, Andrea Marini, Luca Bonardi, L’insostenibile leggerezza della sostenibilità: i limiti dell’attuale ecopolitica
6 Miriam Tola, Fuori dal comune: incontri tra commons e prospettive decoloniali in Chiapas e Bolivia
The exam consists of a written test with questions related to the topics covered.
For attending students, questions deal with lecture notes and the texts indicated in the syllabus.
For non-attending students, the questions deal exclusively with the texts in the syllabus.
Lectures with class discussion and use of video and photographic materials.
The office hours for students are held online, on Thursdays, in the time 2-4 p.m., by prior arrangement with the lecturer (

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Natural capital and environmental quality" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 09/11/2022