Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT9037 (AF:425239 AR:242428)
ECTS credits
Class unica
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course consists of two modules: one is a metalinguistic reflection on the Italian language (General Language module), the second is dedicated to language practice according to the students’ language level. The present syllabus is only for the first module. The objective of this module is to learn the basic notions of Italian linguistics and to develop skills in metalinguistic and metatextual analysis. We will examine both external and internal linguistic factors, and in particular, will consider the following areas: cultural and semiotic aspects of the Italian language; sociolinguistic and pragmatic characteristics; spelling and phonology; morphosyntax; the lexicon; textuality.
At the end of the course, students will be able to contextualize the main aspects of Italian linguistics: the history and diffusion of the Italian language and the primary levels of linguistic analysis, from pragmatics to phonetics. Knowledge of external linguistics will increase the level of motivation that students have towards the study of Italian; knowledge of internal linguistic factors will facilitate the development of students' linguistic and metalinguistic skills.
Being motivated towards the study of Italian grammar.
- structure of conversations, with attention given to the most characteristic dynamics of dialogue;
- notion of register, with examples of the various types of symmetrical and asymmetrical interaction in relation to specific elements of the Italian cultural context;
- grammatical foundations referring to the linguistic contents of the corresponding level of language practice (e.g. subordination, relativization, verbal modes, comparison between inflection, derivation and alteration);
- foundations of textual linguistics, that is, textual relationships, text coherence and text cohesion.
The exam will be based on the topics covered during the course, which will be explained in greater detail through lecture notes and materials provided in class (and uploaded on Moodle). To review some grammar-related notions, the following text is recommended (but note that this is NOT a mandatory text): M. MAIDEN, C. ROBUSTELLI, A reference grammar of modern Italian, London, Arnold, 2007. A copy of it is available in the BAUM library ( ).
The exam consists of a written test based on the topics covered during the course; the result of the test will account for 30% of the final grade (30% General language module + 70% Language practice).
Lessons are interactive and are defined by active participation. The General Language module will mostly follow the lecture format, during which explanations relating to the various topics will be provided. Teaching tools include written and oral texts, videos, songs and other materials where relevant. Students will also be asked to carry out exercises and assignments.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 02/07/2023