Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0525 (AF:406644 AR:217026)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Class 2
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course is the first part of a Methodological Lab and provides students with the knowledge and analytical skills concerning the definition of research problems and reserach design. It therefore contributes to breadening and deepening knowldge and understanding of methodological issues and to their application to concrete research problems and projects.
The course looks at the research process in the social sciences with a focus on the pillars of a research project and their interdependencies. The course has two main objectives: (1) the development of analytical and critical skills applied to existing research and research projects and (2) the development of skills in the formulation of research projects.
At the end of the course the students:
- Are able to deconstruct and to formulate a research problem
- Are aware of the role of theory in the research process and in the formulation of a research project
- Are aware of the connections between research problem, theory, research questions and (working) hypotheses
- Are able to critically assess the choice of research methods, their advantages and shortcomings in addressing a research question
- Are aware of the ethical implications of social research and concrete projects
- Are able to critically reflect on the societal and scientific relevance of a piece of research
- Can analyse and contribute to a research project
- Can elaborate an own research project and critically reflect on it
No specific pre-conditions
After a general introduction to the research process in the social sciences and its different forms, the course introduce, discusses and elaborates on the basic components of the research process and the pillars of a research project. The focus is specifically on:
- The research problem, its aims and relevance
- The role of theory
- Types of research question
- Hypotheses
- The research strategy and research design
- Ethical issues
- The overall structure and style
The course is set up in such a way as to guide the students in the formulation of an own research project.
The course literature (to be confirmed) encompasses excerpts from the following texts:

Wright Mills C. (1970), L’immaginazione sociologica, Milano: Il Saggiatore. Appendice (available at the library)
Or in English: (1959) Sociological Imagination. New York: Oxford University Press. Appendix: “On Intellectual Craftmanship”

Becker H. (2007) I trucchi del mestiere, Bologna: Mulino.
Oppure in Inglese: (1998) Tricks of the Trade: How to Think About Your Research While You're Doing it, Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Swedberg R. (2014) The art of Social Theory, Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Abbott A. (2004) Methods of Discovery. Heurisitcs for the social sciences, New York, NY: W.W. Norton.

In addition, a list of articles and book chapters will be provided at the beginning of the course. These will be the basis of the home and class assignments.
The assessment is based on two components: an individual paper (80%) and the quality of participation in class activities (20%).

Individual paper: 80%
The students will have to submit and present a final paper. The paper consists of a research project and of a reflection on the formulation process and outcome.
The assessment will focus on :
- Clarity, relevance and foundation of the research problem;
- Ability to syntetise relevant concepts and theories
- Formulation of a clear research question, consistent with the research problem and the theoretical perspective
- Metholodogical consistency
- Quality of the argument
- Clarity and adequate style
- Overall clarity and consistency of the structure
- Reflection about the limits and problems of the project, also of ethical nature
- Reflection about the process

Participation: 20%
Evaluation is based on:
- Active participation in class activities
- Good preparation of home assignments
- Quality of presentations and discussions
written and oral
In the first period, the course consists of two meetings per week (2 hours each), in the form of seminars. One lecture Twille briefly introduce and discuss the main themes. During the second period, the meetings will be once a week in the form of working groups.
Students will be asked to critically discuss the literature of the course and the proposed texts (research projects, research reports, scientific articles), their own work and that of fellow students.
During the course the students will be given home assignments to be discussed during class, as well as class assignment. These assignments are aimed at developing analytical and critical skills as well as supporting the writing of an own research project, which is the final output of the course. They consist in the analysis of texts, in writing parts of a research project and in providing feed-back to fellow students. The assignments are not assessed, but represent an important instrument to prepare the final paper.
It is essential that the students systematically read the course literature and the assigned texts and that they work at home assignments, in order to be able to participate in class activities and move forward with their projects.

Depending on the number of participants the organization of the course may slightly change. Students will receive updated information at the beginning of the course.
Given the nature of the course, regular attendance is essential. Students that, for specific reasons, are not able to attend all course activities are kindly asked to contact the teacher to agree on how to make up for the missed activities.

All communication concerning the course will take place through the Moodle platform. Students are kindly asked to register with the Moodle page well in advance before the start of the course.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 28/10/2022