Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0491 (AF:406039 AR:208648)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Term
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The course aims to provide students with the basic principles of history of architecture and with the methods of investigation in history of architecture.
By the end of this course, students will be able to describe an architectural work; to analyse it in a critical approach; to see the architectural work in the historical context of his time and in within the history of architecture.
The course is intended for students of the bachelor's degrees in Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Technologies for the Conservation and the Restoration.
Students can attend the course as exam for 6CFU or as the first part of the exam for 12CFU (FT4091) comprised within the majors of the Histroy of Arts track or curriculum of the bachelor's degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts Management.
1. Knowledge and understanding:
- Provide a firm grounding in the history of architecture between 15 and 17 century through the fundamentals works and their architects.
- Knowledge of the methods of investigation in architectural history and the language of the discipline.
2. Skills:
Students must be able to analyse architectures in the historical and cultural context of their time using appropriate methods of investigation and a correct use of the language.
3. Learning skills:
Students must be able to consult and critically use the bibliography given throughout the course.
This course presumes previous knowledge of the basic thresholds in the history of arts and art criticism.
This course presents an outline of the history of architecture from Renaissance to the end of the XVIIth century in Italy, with some references on developments in Europe.
We will examine the changes of architecture in this period, the architects, their interests and studies, and the architectures that best represents these changes.
The course bibliography includes some chapters of the following reference books:
- A. Bruschi, Introduzione alla storia dell'architettura. Considerazioni sul metodo e sulla storia degli studi, Milano-Roma 2009
- D. Watkin, Storia dell'architettura Occidentale, (1986) Bologna, Zanichelli 1999 e altre edizioni
- Storia dell'architettura in Italia. Tra Mediterraneo e Europa (VII-XVIII secolo), a cura di Alireza Naser Eslami e Marco Rosario Nobile, Pearson Italia, Milano-Torino 2022
At beginning of the course precise indications on the sections of these readings to be prepared for the exam will be given, as well as the readings list for the exam; topics of the class lectures; list of works examined in the course; suggestions for your exam preparation and study. Please note that the lecture notes do not replace the bibliography.
For non-attenders student only:
J. Summerson, Il linguaggio classico dell'architettura, (Cambridge, MIT Press, 1963), Torino, Einaudi (PBE), 1970, 1990, 2000
If necessary, please contact the teacher for guidance on the english bibliography.
Oral exam. During the exam the student must demonstrate the knowledge of the themes and aspects touched upon in class and be able to command the appropriate language to discuss about them.
Lectures by the teacher. Didactic materials useful for the preparation of the exam on the platform moodle.it
For the registration of the exam for 12CFU (FT4091) the student must have supported both tests of the exam: Storia dell’architettura II FT0491-2
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 29/06/2022