Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
ET0121 (AF:401444 AR:217644)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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The teaching completes the legal area of the business administration curriculum and is one of the related/additional/elective courses. It aims to provide the essential knowledge of social security necessary for the correct and efficient management of company staff (both dependent and self-employed workers), of social security/insurance positions of workers of all types (self-employed, dependent, employees, workers or managers) and employers, concerning both public and private welfare. The course provides the knowledge and enables the students to acquire the essential skills for carrying out the roles of HR manager, labour consultant and accountant. The teaching completes the knowlwdge of labour/employment law.

The course enables students to:
- acquire the knowledge of social security law;
- use correct and effective language in the field of social security;
- apply this knowledge to face and resolve specific problems posed within small and big companies;
- orient his/her self in the public and private social security system, both as a worker and as a company manager;
- set up and assess effective welfare strategies, in light of the regulatory framework;
- implement law and collective agreement regulation at company level.
Elements of private law are useful.
The origins, evolution and new challenges of social security. The social security system. The contributory relationship. The social security relationship. Protection against accidents at work and professional diseases. Protection for disability, the elderly and survivors. Health protection. Protection for unemployment. Protection of families. Social care system. Supplementary pension. Specific focuses will be held concerning the income support for citizens (the new Italian "basic income") and families ("single universal allowance").

M. Persiani - M. D'Onghia, Diritto della sicurezza sociale, 2024, pp. 1-270 (chapter XII excluded)
Learning will be verified with an oral exam on the main topics. Seminars/workshops on case studies proposed to attending students during the course can be taken into account (1/3 of the final mark).
The course will consist of lessons, seminars/workshops held by attending students, meetings with experts or operators (managers of INPS, INAIL, and supplementary pension funds).
Interested students will be able to benefit from the agreement with INPS, INAIL, and other supplementary pension funds to carry out their internship and, possibly, to write their dissertation related to the internship experience.
The students who are entitled to receive additional teaching materials will be able to review the lectures recorded on Panopto.
New Degree Prizes for Business Economics Graduates
Starting from the 2024/25 academic year, the Department of Management at the Venice School of Management, in collaboration with EBAV - Ente Bilaterale Artigianato Veneto, will award three degree prizes of €1,500 each.
These prizes are aimed at graduates in Business Economics who present outstanding three-year degree theses on topics related to social security and worker welfare in the Veneto artisan sector. Special emphasis will be placed on the role of employers' organizations, trade unions, and bilateralism as a collaborative governance system for support services.
Eligibility Requirements:
Successful completion of the "Security and Social Security" exam is mandatory.
Prize Distribution: One prize will be awarded for the best thesis in each of the following graduation sessions:
Summer session 2025
Autumn session 2025
Extraordinary session 2026
Further details on eligibility and application procedures will be made available in the official announcement on this page.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 30/09/2024