Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0247 (AF:401250 AR:217428)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
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The study of any cultural context is seriously lacking without adequate knowledge of its religious aspects. 
Alongside the value of the History of Religions as a critical investigation method into an important aspect of each and every society, the more theoretical function of the discipline should be emphasised, having represented the first specific sphere of application of the intercultural reflection and the related historical comparison, and which by its very nature has often performed a function of theoretical and methodological connection and mediation between the 'historical sciences' and the anthropological, ethnographical, sociological and psychological disciplines.

More specifically, this course is monographic or thematic
The study of any cultural context is seriously lacking without adequate knowledge of its religious aspects. 
Alongside the value of the History of Religions as a critical investigation method into an important aspect of each and every society, the more theoretical function of the discipline should be emphasised, having represented the first specific sphere of application of the intercultural reflection and the related historical comparison, and which by its very nature has often performed a function of theoretical and methodological connection and mediation between the 'historical sciences' and the anthropological, ethnographical, sociological and psychological disciplines.

More specifically, this course is monographic or thematic.
It is not required to have attended History of Religions I° , but it is advisable to know Brelich's introduction ( see Bibliography).
Competences in general Culture and History are required
The course deepens some subjects as:
- the 'magic'
-the Voice( Mythes of Sound; voice and gender identity)
-Divination: Sibyl during centuries
- Categories of one and multiplicity in ritual contexts

- Students can also choose a specific subject to be agreed with the Professor
- Brelich, A. Introduzione alla storia delle religioni, Roma, Ed.Ateneo 2003 (pp.1-70)

-P. Clemente - C. Grottanelli Comparativa/mente Seid Firenze 2009(a chap.)
-S. Crippa La voce. Sonorità e pensiero alle origini della cultura europea, Milano, Unicopli 2015 ( II° chap.)
- S. Consigliere (ed) Mondi multipli I°, Kaiak ed.2014 (a chap.)

- Seppilli-Chirassi Colombo ( eds. ) Sibille e linguaggi oracolari 1998 Macerata( a chap.)
-Crippa Corpi e saperi Pendragon 2019 : 1 article which must be decided withb Professor
Meroi-Scaparrone (eds.) La magia nell'Europa moderna Pisa 2004(a chap.)
R. Kieckhefer La magia nel Medioevo Laterza 2004 (a chap.)
F.Héritier Maschile e femminile Laterza 1997 ( chapt. I e 2)

Other not obligatory texts:

Grottanelli, Barbera, Savorelli ( a cura ) La riscoperta del sacro" tra le due guerre mondiali ed. Le lettere 2005
Montanari , Sabban( a cura ) Storia e geografia dell'alimentazione, Utet 2006 ( un vapitolo a scelta)
Brown P. La società e il sacro nella tarda antichità Einaudi 1988 ( una parte a scelta)
AAVV Forme di umanità Bruno Mondadori 2002( un cap a scelta)
The choosen Method to evaluate the student's Knowledge consists in an oral examination on the topics dealt with the course; with result recording
The choosen Method to evaluate the student's Knowledge consists in an oral examination on the topics dealt with the course; with result recording
For further information: scrippa@unive.it

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 16/06/2023