Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0487 (AF:401058 AR:217282)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
Go to Moodle page
The teaching is one of the basic subjects of the degree course "Scienze del testo letterario e della comunicazione". Its purpose is to provide students with a basic and comprehensive knowledge of the Italian literary framework between the twelfth and seventeenth centuries, and a more detailed knowledge of the authors, works and genres with pre-eminence within the framework.
The objectives of the teaching coincide with the essential historical data concerning the Italian literature of the centuries from the 12th to the 16th (authors and texts); with the basics around the major formal and stylistic theories formulated within the period examined by the course (Medieval and Renaissance Rhetoric and Poetics); with the critical tools of first consultation in the autonomous study of Italian literature. The student who achieves these objectives can be considered endowed with elementary cognitions and essential methodologies to orient themselves autonomously and with a capacity for critical reflection within the horizon of literary studies related to the Italian scene.
1. Knowledge and understanding
Acquisition of documentary data relevant to authors and texts; understanding of the meanings and textual contents; comprehension of chronological taxonomy implied to authors, texts and literary genres.
To know the texts in their reciprocity, not only temporal but above all because the priors can exert influence on the successive ones; understand the texts despite their archaic or linguistic differences with respect to the present.

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
To be able to discriminate roughly one author from one other, one text from one other, a formal genre from other genres, placing it correctly within a historical framework.
Knowing how to recognize the chronological progression of the main literary genres included in the period covered by the course. To paraphrase appropriately the ancient texts that are faced in class and in autonomous study, taking advantage of the linguistic, lexicographical and critical instrumentation proposed in class and acquired through the personal study of the indicated manuals.

3. Ability to judge
The development of Italian literature is the result of historiographical reconstruction: so, it is perennially susceptible to be discussed again. Starting from this axiom, students can who take advantage of the notions and tools offered during teaching the possibility of assessing and verifying independently the critical formulations that have become final.

4. Communication skills
Knowing how to discriminate between expressive registers, identifying the most appropriate exposure to the data acquired during the course.
Knowing how to clarify the questions concerning the course, intervening publicly in the classroom.

5. Learning skills
Knowing how to take notes, putting yourself in the best collaborative conditions to integrate the missing and resolve any doubts about the content of the lessons.

Knowledge of the Italian language and its grammar. General knowledge of the historical progress of literature in Italy. Generic knowledge of Medieval and Renaissance History.
Literary genres and main authors of Italian literature between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries. Analysis of texts of particular relevance in the historical framework examined. Indication of the fundamental bibliographic tools for the study of Italian literature.
M. Santagata - L- Carotti - A. Casadei - M- Tavoni, Il filo rosso. Antologia e storia della letteratura italiana ed europea. 1° Duecento e Trecento; 2° Quattrocento e Cinquecento, Bari – Roma, Laterza, 2007 (Edizione B). Because of the particular organization of the textbook, parts of it intended to be studied and which will be examined, will be indicated in a specific file on the Moodle platform.

Examination will be an interview in which the student will demonstrate skills and abilities aquired in class and studing by himself speaking on topics proposed by the teacher. The student will also be evaluated for the ability to organize the speech according to criteria of clarity, consistency and organic presentation, and for the aptitude to use a vocabulary that meets the minimum requirements of formal punctuality and scientificity.
Lectures in which teacher will expose contents and analyze textual passages, as an example of the usual critical procedures. The pieces analyzed in class which are not included in bibliography will be available on the Moodle platform.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 14/05/2022