Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CM0628 (AF:398323 AR:215024)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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This course aims at introducing basic concepts and techniques for the development of secure systems and networks, providing the necessary skills and concepts for evaluating and increasing the security of applications, systems and networks. The course will focus on the key aspects of web security and the use of formal techniques to analyze, improve and breach the security of systems.
- knowledge of basic concepts and techniques for the development of secure systems and networks;
- knowledge of attack and defense techniques related to programs, systems and networks;
- development of skills for the application of concepts to the analysis of real systems;
- development of skills for the management of security.
It is required basic knowledge of mathematics, programming (imperative programming and scripting), computer networks and cryptography.
Web security: client-side security, server-side security, secure communication.

Verification of cryptographic protocols.
Sullivan & Liu - Web Application Security, A Beginner's Guide (2011)
Zalewski - The tangled Web: A Guide to Securing Modern Web Applications (2011)
The exam consists of a written test that aims at verifying the knowledge of the different topics of the course. The course will also include optional challenges, which aim at putting into practice the acquired knowledge and at verifying the ability of attacking and securing IT systems and networks. The challenges can improve the final score of the written test.
Theoretical lectures in class;
Online resources (lecture notes and slides);
Labs and challenges.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 03/05/2022