Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM8170 (AF:396875 AR:212532)
Blended (on campus and online classes)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course represents the first part of two courses on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which fall in the requirements of the first year of the postgraduate curriculum TransMed. The course contributes to the achievement of the CdS training objectives in the area of historical, critical, cultural and humanistic competences. The main objectives of the course are to acquire a critical knowledge of the Middle East, with special reference to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; to acquire the tools to analyze and deconstruct its diverging narratives, with particular reference to the themes of violence and nonviolence. The objective will be met by analyzing various historical moments and watersheds from different points points of view and through different disciplinary methods (history, international relations, international law, studies on memory, studies on the diaspora, cinema and literature).

There will be some guest speakers
Knowledge and understanding:
- Learn and understand the main characters and historical events in the history of Modern Israel and Palestine in general, and of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in particular.
- Learn and understand concepts and instruments of historiography and critical studies about this.
- Deepen the understand of this historical period through films and documentaries.

Applying knowledge and understanding
- learn how to analyse and interpret some relevant historical sources
- understand the difference between primary and secondary sources and learn how to use them;
- learn how to uses historiography critically in some of its main concepts (narration, normativity, canon)

Making judgements:
- learn how to make critical judgements on historical, political and social phenomena pertaining to the history of the Middle East and of the Israeli-palestinian conflict, making use of critically and historiographically solid arguments
- learn how to examine critically various types of sources (primary, secondary, photographic video, documentaries, films etc.)
- become aware of one's own inevitable bias and overcome it

- learn how to express and re-elaborate the contents of the program in written form, in a concise and effective way.

Lifelong learning skills :
- learn how ot integrate critically the study of different materials (notes, slides, texts, creative works, academic articles)
- be able to study autonomously materials and subjects which have not been covered in class
- improve ability to learn materials in English
- improve ability to use online learning tools
- be able to participate in an informed way to a scientific discussion on the subject among peers.
working knowledge of English and French B2
The syllabus will be handed out on the first day of class and will be available on moodle before the beginning of the course. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the syllabus before the first class, and to read the material assigned starting from the first class.
a reference list will be handed out on the first day of class and will be included in the syllabus (see above)
This course will provide the first 6 creditis of the 12 that, together, form the total of the course "Israel and Palestine". An oral examination on the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will allow access to the second examination (which is part of the second course on Israel and Palestine and which will grant the other 6 credits=
For this course, students will be evaluated as follows:
Active partecipation in class 25%
Use of Mooc, moodle, forum, padlet etc.: 15%
Oral examination: 60 %
This course has been approved for 2022-23 as blended. The frontal lectures and the discussions in class will be flanked with individual and collective work on written and video material. According to the methodology of the "flipped classroom", the work done by students at home will be verified in cless during the following meeting.
language of instruction

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 18/10/2022