Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM0720 (AF:396697 AR:212220)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Class 2
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course develops basic knowledge for students interested in the study of development, language, and cognition in general
PLEASE NOTE: This class is reserved for PF24 students only.
Students will have to demonstrate a satisfactory understanding of the proposed topics, the research context in which they were born and their applications. Special attention will be given to the experimental methods by which the research was developed.
A good knowledge of scientific English is required.
The class will cover topics related to psychology of development and cognition.
In addition, the study of typical and atypical psychological functioning and the development of personal, social, and interpersonal skills in the school setting will be addressed.
This course is taught in accordance with the ministerial declarations – (D.M. 616/2017) - related to Scope B, for all competition classes.
Topics will include:
- Historical and philosophical foundations of theories of cognition and development.
- Experimental methods of investigation of major developmental processes.
- Theoretical models of explanation of learning and cognition
- Developmental processes
- Development of language and social skills
- Development of cognitive skills
- Development of understanding of others' thinking
- Psychological functioning, developmental processes, and student adaptation to the school context
- Cognitive, affective, and motivational processes of students during their developmental pathways and in relation to school context.
- Relationship between emotions and learning: cognitive, emotional, and motivational correlates that mediate the relationship between technological innovations, learning, and school adaptation.
- Reasoning and problem solving.
- Self-construction processes.
- Development of social skills.
- Identity and affective ties.
- Typical and atypical psychological developmental processes.
- Biological and neurophysiological foundations of typical and atypical psychological development processes.
- The relationship of the teacher with the students and the class group and the processes of communication within it.
- Management of group dynamics and interpersonal and intergroup conflicts.
- Attitudes and prejudices.
- Bullying.
- Intercultural relations.
- The school-family relationship and building trust with parents.
- The internal relationships of the teaching staff and school personnel (leadership, team building, assumption of organizational roles, risk and protective factors for the working well-being of the teacher)
It contributes to the following objectives:
- Promote the acquisition of knowledge in relation to the basic elements of psychological functioning, developmental and adaptive processes of students, with attention to psychological processes - cognitive and affective/relational - involved in the school context and in the field of learning, education, participation, school wellness and school/professional orientation.
- Promote the acquisition of elements useful for the promotion of growth processes through the enhancement of individual paths, in line with school regulations regarding individualized or personalized planning.
- Promote the ability to recognize the nature and quality of interaction processes, in order to both prevent inappropriate behavior in interactions among peers and with the teacher and other adults and to enhance positive interaction processes

A collection of articles (in pdf) will be made available during the class.
Shaffer, D.R. & Kipp, K. (2015) Psicologia dello sviluppo. Infanzia e adolescenza. Padova: Piccin. Capitoli 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15
A written exam will test the knowledge of topics discussed during the lessons and of the course texts and materials. The ability to use critical reasoning, and the quality of language used will, also, be tested.
The exam consists of 30 multiple-choice questions and two open-ended questions
Constant participation in the class and class activities is strongly recommended. Special situations will have to be discussed directly with the teacher.
The course consists of lectures and class discussions.
Active student participation is encouraged.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 20/07/2022