Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMI02V (AF:394057 AR:209730)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course is part of the core educational activities of Iberian Studies curriculum of the Master's Degree Programme in European, American and Postcolonial languages Literatures and intends to dialogue with the 59 Biennale of Venice through the reading and analisies inspired in two artists/writers: Isabel Meyrelles (Portugal) and Jaider Esbell (Brazil).
1. Knowledge and understanding: highlight the challenge of the human being in the contemporary world through the representation of the body and its metamorphosis; the relationship between individuals and technologies and the connection between bodies and the earth;
2. Applied knowledge and understanding: analysing and interpreting the works of Isabel Meyrelles and Jaider Esbell by relating them to the Portuguese and Brazilian historical political contexts;
3. Autonomy of judgment: developing the ability to acquire and apply adequate critical tools in the analysis of the texts indicated, on a thematic and stylistic-formal level besides the ideological frames;
4. Communication skills: understand the presentation of an academic speech, express concepts with clarity and terminological precision; understand the linguistic diversity.
5. Ability to learn and recognise how each artist / writer has (re) invented life through the prism of the imagination
Knowledge of the Portuguese language; basic knowledge of the history of the Portuguese colonial empire, the Portuguese and Brazilian politics; ability to analyse and to criticises literary texts.
This course aims to make a direct dialogue with the 59 International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, trying to analyse the works of the Portuguese surrealism with particular attention to the work of Isabel Meyrelles (Portugal / France) also the works of the Brazilian natives through that of Jaider Esbell (Brazil). As it is possible to read in the catalog "The milk of dreams takes its title from a children's book by Leonora Carrignton (1917-2011), in which the surrealist artist tells dreamlike stories of hybrid and mutant creatures". Following the open path of the Biennale, the course tries to understand the development of the imaginary world in Portugal and Brazil, the representation of the body and its metamorphosis; the relationship between individuals and technologies also the connection between bodies and the earth. These reflections are based on the in-depth articulation both with the political history of each country and with the surrounding literary artistic context.
1- Literary and Artistic references:

ESBELL, Jaider. Makunaimã. Em: http://www.jaideresbell.com.br/site/2019/09/13/makunaima-o-mito-atraves-do-tempo/
MEYRELLES, Isabel. Poemas. Guimarães: Quasi Edições, 2004
______. Palavras noturnas & outros poemas. São Paulo: Escrituras Editora, 2006

2 – Teoretical and critical texts:

ALESSIA, Di Eugenio. Spettri dell’ Antropofagia: miti interpretativi, appropriazioni ed eredità contemporanee. Open Access. Full text disponible:
ÁVILA M. J. E CUADRADO, P. Surrealismo em Portugal: 1934-1952. Lisboa: Instituto Português de Museus e Junta de Extremadura, 2001.
BHABHA, Homi. “Como o novo entra no mundo: o espaço pós-moderno, os tempos pós-coloniais e as provações da tradução cultural”. In: ______. O local da cultura. Belo HorizonteÇ UFMG, 2005, pp. 292-325 (The location of Culture. London: Routedge, 1990).
BLANCHOT M. A parte do fogo. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1997.
BRETON, A. Manifestos do surrealismo. Rio de Janeiro: Nau Editora, 2001.
CAMINHA, Pero Vaz. Carta do achamento, a cura di A., Unnali, Milano, Cisalpino, 1984.
______. Carta a el rei D. Manuel sobre o achamento do Brasil [1500]. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, 1974.
CESARINY M. A intervenção surrealista. Lisboa: Assírio e Alvim, 2007.
COMPAGNON A. Os cinco paradoxos da modernidade. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 1996.
DUROZOI, G; LECHERBONNIER, B. O surrealismo. Coimbra: Livraria Almedina, 1972.
FINAZI-AGRÒ, Ettore; PINCHERLE, M. Caterina. La cultura cannibale. Oswald de Andrade: de Pau-Brasil al manifesto antropofago. Meltemi, 1999 (Tratto da La cultura cannibale)
LANCIANI, L. (a cura di). Il Novecento in Portogallo. Roma: Universitalia, 2014.
LIMA, S. A aventura surrealista. Rio de Janeiro: editora Vozes, 1995.
MARTINHO, F. J. B. Tendências Dominantes da Poesia Portuguesa na década de 50. Lisboa: edições Colibri, 1996.
PEREIRA, H. R. António Ferro. Estudo e Antologia. Lisboa: Testemunhos Contemporâneos, 1990.
PICCHIO, L. Stegagno. Nel segno di Orfeo. Genova: Il Melangolo, 2004.
______. Storia della letteratura Brasiliana, Torino, Einaudi, 1997.
SIMAS, M. Surrealismo: subversão e encantamento em Portugal. In: GRAZIANI, M; ABBATI, O; GORI, B. (a cura di) La spugna è la mia anima. Omaggio a Piero Ceccucci.Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2016.
TAVANI, Giuseppe. Di Pessoa a Oliveira. La moderna poesia portoghese. Modernismo. Surrealismo. Neorealismo. Milano: Edizioni Academia, 1973.
VINCENZO, Arsillo. A descoberta da representação: figuras do discurso retórico na “carta do achamento” de Pero Vaz Caminha. Articolo, 2016.
______. La scoperta della rappresentazione: figure del discorso retorico nella Carta do Achamento di Pero Vaz de Caminha”, in P. Ceccucci (a cura di), 500 anni di Brasile. La scoperta, le scoperte, Roma, Bulzoni Editore, 2002, pp. 95-112
The exam will be an oral interview with 3 questions on a written exercise previously done and sent to the Professor. The duration of the oral exam is about 15 '. The written text (5 to 10 p.) must be sent to the Professor till the day before the date of the oral exam, that is, the interview is related to the written exercise previously sent in order to verify the depth of the argument developed and its connection with all the course content (debate, bibliography, lecture).
written and oral
Lectures, seminars with preparation of compulsory and supplementary readings, commented reading of texts and documents, remote interaction with students through the University's moodle e-learning platform.
Students who do not attend classes are invited to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course. Further pedagogical material will be available.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Natural capital and environmental quality" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/06/2022