Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0370 (AF:384472 AR:293854)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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The discipline belongs to the interdisciplinary educational activities of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme of History. These activities prepare students to reconstruct and to understand, by means of critical investigation, the sequence of different societies and their reciprocal connections through events and phenomena of the past. The instructional goal of the course is to give the basic knowledge of the most significant moments in the history of the Serenissima in Early Modern Age and in particular of the history of her political and judicial institutions.
The attendance, the active participation at the course and the individual study allow the students: 1) to acquire the knowledge and the understanding of the main characteristics of the history of the Serenissima in Early Modern Age and in particular of the history of her political and judicial institutions; 2) to learn to compare the institutional model of the Republic with the most important European institutional frameworks; 3) to be able to read critically studies of Venetian institutional history.
Knowledge of the general frameworks of the History of Political Institutions, even if the student hasn’t passed yet the specific examination.
The course of History of the Republic of Venice focuses in particular on the history of her institutions and on the relationships between the forms of power that characterized the polycentric State of Early Modern Age and the different forms of justice that placed it in relation with the society of the time.
The students will study these texts:
1) G. Cozzi - M. Knapton, La Repubblica di Venezia nell’età moderna. Dalla guerra di Chioggia al 1517, Torino, UTET, 1986 (from page 99 to page 161)
2) C. Povolo, Un sistema giuridico repubblicano: Venezia e il suo stato territoriale (secoli XV-XVIII), in Il diritto patrio. Tra diritto comune e codificazione (secoli XVI-XIX), Roma, Viella, 2006, pages 297-353
https://www.academia.edu/2466326/Un_sistema_giuridico_repubblicano_Venezia_e_il_suo_stato_territoriale_secc._XV-XVIII _
3) C. Povolo, La stanza di Andrea Trevisan. Amore, furore e inimicizie nella Venezia di fine Cinquecento, Isola Vicentina, Quaderni di Valdilonte, 2018
4) L. Rossetto, Vendetta e banditismo nella Terraferma veneta del secondo decennio del Seicento: il caso di Zuanne Dalle Tavole, in ACTA HISTRIAE, vol. 25, 2017, 2, pages. 319-
The examination will be oral and will last about 30 minutes. More specifically, without prejudice to the indispensable notional knowledge for passing the exam (a necessary but not sufficient condition), other criteria in the overall evaluation will be the use of scientifically appropriate language (20 percent) and the use of the student's own critical ability (10 percent).
Frontal lessons (lecture-style presentation).
Teaching language: Italian.
In a continuous interaction with the students, during the course, as often as necessary, it will be given a supplemental bibliography and it twill be possible also to examine some texts online.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/07/2024