Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0249 (AF:384416 AR:297106)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course is among the Core Educational Activities of the Bachelor's degree course in History; it is also among the Related or Additional Studies of other Bachelor's degree courses.
The aims of the course are to know the general lines of Italian history from 1945 to the present and the ability to analize some types of sources.
Knowledge and understanding:
- know the periodization of the history of Italy, with particular reference to the history of republican Italy
- understand the distinction and the mutual connections between the economic, institutional, political, social and cultural dimensions of history
- know the main events and processes that occurred in the historical period considered
- know some types of sources related to the historical period considered
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- know how to use the periodization to frame events and processes of history
- know how to operate connections between different dimensions of history
- knowing how to orientate in the considered historical period
- knowing how to interpret and critically analyze some types of sources
Judgment skills:
- know how to apply a critical and informed approach to the reconstructions of the past and to the analysis of documents
Communication skills:
- knowing how to interact on the historical period considered using appropriate terminology
- knowing how to interact with the teacher and peers in a critical and respectful way, both in the presence and in the forums of the virtual space
Knowledge of the Italian language.
Knowledge of the general frameworks of modern and contemporary history acquired in high school.
The course covers the essentials of the history of Italy from the birth of the Republic to the present.
1. Simona Colarizi, Storia politica della Repubblica. 1943-2006 Partiti, movimenti e istituzioni, Laterza 2024
2. A book of your choice from:
- Virginia Niri, Con questo nemico ci facevamo l'amore. Autocoscienza e costruzione di nuove identità nel lungo Sessantotto italiano, Firenze, Editpress, 2024 (in uscita)
- Silvia Ruggeri, Voci da Grafica Veneta. Vite e lavoro nel capitalismo contemporaneo, Treviso, Istresco, 2023 + Michele Colucci, Per una storia del governo dell’immigrazione straniera in Italia: dagli anni sessanta alla crisi delle politiche, "Meridiana", n. 91, 2018, pp. 9-36 <https://www.viella.it/rivista/9788833130132/4086> ;
- Jacopo Tomatis, Bella Ciao. Una canzone, uno spettacolo, un disco, Milano, Il Saggiatore, 2023
3. Documents and texts shared on Moodle.
More information will be given in the "Learning Agreement" shared on Moodle before classes begin.
Written test: 10-15 short answer questions + 1 or 2 open-ended questions regarding the reference texts, documents, and other materials shared on Moodle.
Lectures in which some topics and documents will be presented and discussed.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/09/2024