Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM1206 (AF:383241 AR:211626)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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Comparative Port Regulation is an elective course directed to Global Development and Entrepreneurship Master students of the Economics and Management departments.
The course is organised in collaboration with the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority (Autorità di Sistema Portale del Mare Adriatico Settentrionale) and focuses on a sector of key importance from a macroeconomic point of view, such as that of the management and regulation of port infrastructures.
During the classes, particular attention is given to both the comparison between national, European and international port administration system as well as to the study of typical contracts used in the shipping market.
The structure of the course (which combines theoretical lessons and practical exercises) allows the acquisition of legal competences to understand and apply maritime and port legislation and provides an overview of recent reforms and jurisprudential guidelines.

The final purpose is to ensure that the student acquires:
1) Knowledge and understanding:
- Understanding the evolution of national and European port legislations
- Understanding the functioning of seaport activities and the rules governing the market of port services
- Understanding the role of Port System Authorities and, more in general, the function of port administrations
2) Applying and analysing
- Identifying and differentiating the peculiarities of national, European and international port legislations
- Identifying the characteristics of each port governance model
- Analysing the effects of preventive measures adopted by governments in order to face the COVID-19 spread in the port areas
3) Evaluation autonomy:
- Reflecting on the pros and cons of port governance models adopted by different countries
- Interpreting the role and functioning of each category of maritime contracts
4) Learning skills:
- Understanding the dynamics affecting port and maritime transport sector.
- Identifying the correct contractual form to satisfay specific needs of shipping operators.
No prerequisites needed for the purpose of the course.
Unità 1 – The Italian Port System . A focus on the Port of Venice and the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority.

Unità 2 – European Port Law - Trans European Networks Transport (TENT-T) - The sea port of Rotterdam, Hamburg, Anversa and Barcelona.

Unità 3 – Port Sustainability and Port Technology.

Unità 4 – Brief introduction to sea ports of China and The Belt and Road Initiative.

Unità 5 - Safety and Security Issues of Maritime Shipping.

Unità 6 – Main contracts in the Maritime Shipping Market.
Power point presentations and supplementary teaching material is available on Moodle.

Some useful texts are suggested for the purpose of acquiring a general picture of port issues that you can find at the Economics library:
- Wayne K. Talley, Port Economics, 2017 (It can be useful for basic content)
- Peter W. de Langen, Principles of port management, Towards a Better Port Industry, 2020 (It focuses on the aspects of port operations and development)
The exam consists of an oral interview on topics foreseen in the exam program. A thirty-plus vote is awarded.
The course will be held through lectures, generally with Power Point presentations.
Students are encouraged to expose their assignments to the class.
Meetings and seminars with experts and operators in the maritime and port sector will be organized, in coordination with the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Climate change and energy" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 10/03/2023