Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM9033 (AF:382769 AR:206838)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The goal of this course is to provide the basic notions necessary for the study and develpment of turistic Web sites. At the end of the course the student will have to be able to develop a simple Web site using the HTML and CCS languages.

The corse will be held in the laboratory and will consist of an intesive interaction with the teacher, by solving many practical excercises.
Attendance and active participation in the training activities proposed by the course (lectures, practical exercises in the laboratory) and individual study will allow students to:

1 Knowledge and understanding
1.1. acquire the theoretical and practical foundations for the development of Web pages.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
2.1. know how to use the knowledge acquired to promote, commercialize and manage tourism products through the development of dedicated websites;
3. Ability to judge
3.1. know how to choose, design and analyze the most appropriate website model in a specific context of tourism promotion.
You have to be able to use a text editor, copy files, move files in a USB pen, navigate on the Web, use Moodle, open a pdf unzip a folder.
-Introduction to Computer Science.
-The markup languages, hypertexts and the HTML language.
-The use of style sheets. The CSS language.
-Introduction to Google Forms.
-Web usability and accessibility.
-Statical and dynamical Web pages: introduction to Javascript.

Practical excercises: the creation of Web pages via HTML, CCS. Some examples of commands in Javascript.
Slides and other material downloadable from the e-learning platform.

Extra material:
Informazione, conoscenza e web per le scienze umanistiche. S. Castano, A. Ferrara, S. Montanelli, Pearson, Addison Wesley 2009.
J. Zeldman, E. Marcotte. Sviluppare siti con gli standard web. Apogeo 2010.

The verification of the knowledge is done through the presentation of a project and the passing of an oral exam. The project will have to be developed using the languages HTML and CSS presented in class. The oral exam will consist of some questions (that eventually will have to be answered on a sheet of paper), on the arguments presented in class, and some technical questions regarding the presented project. Both are required to verify the knowledge of the course contents. The evaluation of the project will contribute to 85% of the final grade, the oral questions, not on the project, to the remaining 15%. The project will be evaluated during the exam on the basis of: correctness of the execution of the project with respect to the specifications, correct and more or less advanced use of the html and css languages, graphic aspect of the site, adequacy of the contents, the student's ability to present it , to comment on the code and commands used and the design choices made.
Lectures and exercises in the laboratory
Extra material in the Moodle platform of the University.

The laboratory has 50 PC. In case there are more students coming to the course laptops/notebooks of some students will be needed.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 19/07/2023