Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0011 (AF:381523 AR:209650)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames A-E
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course confers an specific profile for the students choosing Spanish language and literature at grade "Lingue, civil e science del linguaggio", class 11 (Lingue e culture moderne) and for all three offered directions (Letterario cultural, Lingüístico-filologico-glottodidattico, politico- international). The course can also be inserted into different study programs as "free choice credits" or as additional-supplementary matter. Its aim is proposing a panoramic approach to XX century spanish literature (from 1898 until the new millennium) organized around some historical and cultural highlights of special significance from the literary perspective. Moreover, the course will provide the students with basic critical and mythological tools for increasing comprehension skills and autonomy of judgement.
Knowledge and understanding of
-some main events of the Spanish literary history of the XX century.
- artistic and literary genres;
-methodology of analysis of the cultural object (literary, visual, and performative)
-some fundamental texts in their original form and genre (poetry, narrative, theatre, cinema)
2.Ability to apply knowledge and understanding of:
-a cultural object (literary text) its function and insertion in its historical and aesthetically context;
Ability to apply analytical methodologies to the understanding of the society and culture producing the object under scrutiny;
Ability to analyze and commenting a literary text with scientific methodology and appropriate language.
3.Ability to judge for:
autonomous learning
self -evaluation of the own skills for the understanding of the Spanish language and literature
comunicating the results of readings and analysis in argumentative and critical way in Italian and Spanish.
No prerequisite is mandatory, but a fair knowledge of the Spanish language will facilitate the reading of texts.
The program of the course will develop from significant moments articulating Spanish literature during the XX century, with an insight to the historical, socioecnomical, political, and cultural circumstances in which arise and develop the different groups, movements, trends an literary phenomena characterizing the period, from the 98´"Disaster" to the beginning of the XXI century. Not forgetting the great divide of the Civil War and the francos dictatorship, analysis of some texts will be proposed (a selection of poetry, some short stories, three novels) in order to follow the contemporary Spanish literary discussion.
1. ´98 and "modernismo": the turn of the century.
2. Avantgarde and generation of 1927.
3. The civil war: language and propaganda.
4. From afterwar to Transition.
5. Cotemporary Spain: between history and memory.
Mandatory readings:
Anthology of poetic texts provided by the teacher during lessons.
Three novels:
El cuarto de atrás
Soldados de Salamina

Texts for the study
Critical bibliography for further reading:
Morelli et. al.
Specific didactic materials will be at hand during the course.
Written proof. The examination consists of three discursive questions and the brief commentary of a text. Questions and commentary will come from the teaching material explained during the lectures and uploaded in Moodle. Duration of the proof: 2 hours maximum.
The course will combine theoretical and practical lessons: in addition to the classes, students have to prepare the mandatory readings in order to discuss critically on them. Texts and other material will be uploaded in Moodle.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 08/06/2023