Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT5250 (AF:381389 AR:213486)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The teaching is part of the teaching courses characterizing the "Linguistic and Cultural Mediation" degree course and aims to provide students with conceptual and methodological tools in the field of Hispanic-American literatures and cultures. Objectives of the course are: ability to develop reflection on literary language and on the issues that emerge from the texts, and to provide methodological tools aimed at critical and comparative analysis, given the comparative nature of Hispano-American literatures. Particular attention is dedicated to the cultural and theoretical-literary aspects of the texts. The achievement of these objectives allows the student to strengthen the foundations for learning Hispanic-American literatures and the possible subsequent deepening of the same.
The course intends to deepen the study of Hispano-American literatures, addressing them from a double perspective: diachronic and synchronic. 1. In this sense, the first objective of the course is to offer students the theoretical foundations inherent in the history of Hispano-American literatures in its chronological evolution from the colonial period to the 21st century (diachronic perspective). 2. The second objective is to develop the technological, terminological and documentation tools to be able to interpret literary texts from a cultural and narratological point of view. 3. The third objective concerns the ability to apply the acquired knowledge. The theoretical tools learned will be applied to texts selected from among the most important expressions of Hispanic America of the period under consideration. The texts will be analyzed and commented from a cultural and critical-literary point of view in their original Spanish language elaboration, in order to help students develop the ability to identify themes and problems common to different poetics and authors (synchronic perspective). 4. Finally, the course aims to develop the ability to learn the themes and tools offered during the course, as well as communication skills.
The prerequisites to access the course are a good knowledge of the formal register, written and oral, of the Italian language and the knowledge of spanish language (B1 level).
The course intends to provide an overview of the productions concerning contemporary Hispano-American literature with a comparative look at the relative transpositions to comics. By carrying out a comparative analysis between literary productions and comic book transpositions, it is possible to note the commonalities and differences between the two languages. Through the study of transposition it is in fact possible to analyze how the two media dialogue and interact with each other, the ways in which latent contents emerge, what the hypertext adds to the hypotest and how the perception of the source text changes by the reader. , after reading the transposition. The lessons will take place as follows: introduction by the author through functional biographical notes to trace the most important times of his work, presentation of the author's bibliography, reading and critical-literary and cultural analysis of one or more previously selected texts.
The course will be divided into two main parts:
At first, students will be provided with a historical-cultural picture of comics in Argentina and its indissoluble link with Italian comics. Subsequently, the general theoretical elements concerning the theory of transposition and the semiotics of comics will be offered.
2. In the second part we will analyze a selection of texts by Spanish-American authors belonging to the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries and the relative transpositions to comics.
Verrà fornita a lezione una dispensa contente materiale antologico relativo agli autori trattati.

Qualsiasi edizioni in lingua spagnola dei seguenti testi:

Echeverría, Esteban [1871] (2010). “El matadero”, en Seymour Menton, El cuento hispanoamericano, Ciudad de México, FCE.
Breccia, Enrique (1984), "El matadero”, en Piglia, Ricardo (1993), La Argentina en pedazos, Buenos Aires, De la Urraca.
Di Benedetto, Antonio (2010), Aballay, Buenos Aires, Adriana Hidalgo.
Spiner, Fernando — Diment, Javier — Hadida, Santiago — Mallea, Cristian (dibujos) (2010), “Aballay”, Buenos Aires, Adriana Hidalgo.
Spiner, Fernando (2010). Aballay. El hombre sin miedo, 100 min.
Borges, Jorge Luis (2009), “Historia del guerrero y de la cautiva”, en El Aleph, Obras completas I, Buenos Aires, Emecé.
Buscaglia, Norberto — Flores, Alberto (dibujos), (1986), “Historia del guerrero y de la cautiva”, en Piglia, Ricardo (1993), La Argentina en pedazos, Buenos Aires, De la Urraca.
Rozenmacher, Germán [1961] (2013), “Cabecita negra”, en Obras completas, Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Nacional.
Mandrini, Eugenio — Francisco Solano López (dibujos) (1985) “Cabecita negra”, en Piglia, Ricardo (1993), La Argentina en pedazos, Buenos Aires, De la Urraca.
Piglia, Ricardo (1993), La Argentina en pedazos, Buenos Aires, De la Urraca.
Quiroga, Horacio (1907). “El almohadón de plumas”, en Cuentos de amor, de locura y de muerte (2007), Buenos Aires, Guada.
Saracino, Luciano — Luty, Nelson (2011). “El almohadón de plumas”, en De amor, de locura y de muerte. Buenos Aires: Pictus.
Cortázar, Julio (2008), “Las puertas del cielo”, en Bestiario, en Cuentos completos I. Buenos Aires: Punto de Lectura.
Buscaglia Norberto — Nine, Carlos (1985). “Las puertas del cielo”, en Piglia, Ricardo (1993). La Argentina en pedazos. Buenos Aires: De la Urraca.
 Cabezón Cámara, Gabriela (2011). Le viste la cara a Dios. La bella durmiente. Sigueleyendo.
Cabezón Cámara, Gabriela — Iñaki Echeverría (2013), Beya. Le viste la cara a Dios. Buenos Aires: Eterna Cadencia.


Barrera Lopez, Trinidad (coord.), "Historia de la Literatura Hispanoamericana", Madrid, Catedra, 2008. 
Bellini, Giuseppe, "Nueva historia de la literatura hispanoamericana", Madrid, Castalia, 1997.
Lopez Baralt, Mercedes, "Para decir al Otro: Literatura y antropología en nuestra America", Madrid-Frankfurt am Maim: Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2005.
Marchese, Angelo, "L'officina del racconto. Semiotica della narrativita", Mondadori, Milano, 1983.
Oviedo, Jose Miguel, "Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana", 4 volumi, Madrid, Alianza, 1997.
Knowledges about the cultural contexts and the literary poetics of Hispanic America in the considered periods, as well as the ability to understand literary texts, will be verified through a written final examination.
The lessons will be carried out according to the conventional method (frontal lessons) and will be held in Italian. The exam will consist of a written examination in Italian on the cultural and literary notions, authors and texts considered in the classroom.
More critical and teaching materials will be offer during the classes. All students will be invited to participate in extraordinary lessons and round tables related to the exam subject that can take place between September and December 2022.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 31/08/2022