Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT007V (AF:381360 AR:288718)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
The course of Portuguese and Brazilian Language 3 is common to all the paths of the degree in Languages, Civilizations and Language Sciences.
The course consists of a semester module held by the teacher in the second semester and of annual linguistic exercises (first and second semesters) held by native speakers.
The general objectives of the course are to: achieve a language competence equal to a C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR); to develop metalinguistic competence about the Portuguese and Brazilian language. The achievement of expected learning outcomes is verified through a structured examination.

1. Knowledge and understanding
Deepening the knowledge of advanced phonetic, lexical, grammatical, pragmatic aspects in order to understand written and oral texts produced in Portuguese, in its various national varieties. Knowledge of the different types of texts and the different linguistic registers in written and the oral communication.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
Knowing how to apply language skills to adequately recognize, understand and comment on written and oral texts of different types and registers and authentic interactions in Portuguese, in its various national varieties; knowing how to produce appropriate written and oral texts according to C1 level of QCER.
3. Autonomy of judgment
Being able to issue correction and grammatical judgments based on linguistic reflections; being able to find bibliographic sources for in-depth study autonomously; being able to use the online resources available for the study of the Portuguese and Brazilian languages; being able to implement communication strategies that correspond to a C1 level (CEFR); knowing how to interpret, synthesize and comment on complex Portuguese and Brazilian texts in a personal and effective way.
4. Communicative skills
Being able to interact in Portuguese and Brazilian language in communicative situations provided by level C1 (CEFR); being able to implement the C1 language skills to present the main issues addressed in the module; exercising mediation skills through translation from Italian to Portuguese.
5. Learning skills
Ability to self-evaluate on advanced level with respect to the competence in Portuguese and Brazilian language and with respect to the acquisition of metalinguistic content; ability to undertake self-learning, seeking and selecting tools for in-depth research, also in view of the elaboration of the final dissertation.
Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Semester module:
The module will focus on the projection of the Portuguese language, addressing the following issues:
1. Diachronic variation and periodization of the Portuguese language.
2. Diatopic variation, in particular Portuguese in Africa and Asia and African varieties of Portuguese.
3. Elements of sociolinguistics and linguistic policy of Lusophone relevance.

Grammatical, lexical, textual and communicative contents of the Portuguese and Brazilian language (C1 level of CEFR).
Semester module:


Gonçalves P., "O português em África", in GRAMÁTICA DO PORTUGUÊS (orgs. Eduardo Buzaglo Paiva Raposo, Maria Fernanda Bacilar do Nascimento, Maria Antónia Coelho da Mota, Luísa Segura, Amália Mendes), vol. I, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2013, pp. 157-180.

Grosso M.J., "Macau: identidade multilingue", in REVISTA CAMÕES. REVISTA DE LETRAS E CULTURAS LUSÓFONAS, nº 7, 1999, pp. 96-101 (http://cvc.instituto-camoes.pt/conhecer/biblioteca-digital-camoes/revistas-e-periodicos/revista-camoes/revista-no07-macau.html )

Gunn, Geoffrey. 2001. “Língua e Cultura na construção da Identidade de Timor-Leste”, in TIMOR LOROSA’E. CAMÕES, REVISTA DE LETRAS E CULTURAS LUSÓFONAS, nº 14, 2001, pp. 14-25.

Lindley Cintra L.F. – Cunha C., NOVA GRAMÁTICA DO PORTUGUÊS CONTEMPORÂNEO, Lisboa, Sá da Costa, última ed., caps. I e II, pp. 1-24.

Mira Mateus M.H., “A mudança da língua no tempo e no espaço”, in A LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA EM MUDANÇA (orgs. Maria Helena Mira Mateus e Fernanda Bacelar do Nascimento), Lisboa, Caminho, 2005, pp. 13-30.

Oliveira G. M., “Um Atlântico ampliado: o português nas políticas linguísticas do século XXI”, in Lopes L.P.M. (org.), O PORTUGUÊS NO SÉCULO XXI. CENÁRIO GEOPOLÍTICO E SOCIOLINGUÍSTICO, São Paulo, Parábola, 2013, pp. 53-74.


Santos, D.; Silva, G.V., PRÁTICAS TEXTUAIS: ESCRITA, ORALIDADE E PENSAMENTO CRÍTICO. Dathmouth, Tagus Press/ University of Massachusetts Darthmouth, 2023.
Examination of expected learning outcomes is done through a structured examination, consisting of a written test and an oral exam.
The written test, in order to verify the achievement of the linguistic competence (level C1 of the CEFR), consists of two parts whose average results are evaluated on a 30/30 basis:
1) dictation about 15 lines (30 points)
2) grammar test (30 points). Duration: 60 minutes.
3) summary in Portuguese of one text in Italian (30 points). Duration: 60 minutes.
The oral examination, which takes place entirely in Portuguese, consists of two parts: the first consists of a conversational language interaction on a selection of literary texts of Lusophone authors of different historical periods and of different origins in order to verify the achievement of oral communication competence (level C1 of the CEFR, duration: about 15-20 minutes); the second part aims to verify the achievement of the metalinguistic competence on the contents of the teaching module (duration: 15-20 minutes).
The two parts of the oral examination are evaluated globally, resulting in a 30/30 basis evaluation that will average with the grade obtained in the written test, thus resulting in a total examination.
The written test is preliminary to the oral test, which should be done in a single sitting and within the same exam session in which the written test is passed.
Frontal lessons; possibility of tutoring.
Lessons are held in Portuguese.
The theoretical module of the course will be held in the second semester. Exercises begin with the academic year.
Students who cannot complete the preparation attending the classroom lectures are invited to contact the teacher to receive targeted support.
written and oral
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/03/2024