Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT2370 (AF:381310 AR:286968)
Blended (on campus and online classes)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
Teaching is one of the core educational activities in the Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics program. It provides students with the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in the field of educational technology, utilizing game-based learning as the primary investigative tool. Throughout the course, students will explore learning theories, digital teaching models, and digital language learning games. Additionally, practical labs are planned to implement these principles through examples of games, both analog and digital, aimed at language learning.
1. Knowledge and Understanding: Students will acquire a solid understanding of learning theories, digital teaching models, and the importance of game-based learning in language education.

2. Application of Knowledge and Understanding: They will be able to apply learned theories in practice, using game-based learning as a method and educational tool, both analog and digital, for language learning.

3. Judgment Autonomy: They will be able to critically evaluate different educational methodologies, make informed decisions on the use of teaching technologies, and plan innovative teaching activities based on game-based learning.

4. Communicative Skills: They will develop effective communication skills to clearly convey concepts related to teaching technologies and game-based learning, interacting effectively with students and colleagues.

5. Learning Ability: They will grow in self-directed learning, adapting and applying new knowledge in different educational contexts, and critically reflecting on practical experience in the field of language education.
For this course there are no prerequisites.
Language education and play didactics; History of play and language education; Development and play; (Video)games and language learning; Typologies' of digital games for language learning; Learning theories, educational technologies and digital games for language learning; Language education, games (analogue and digital) and disabilities

Mandatory texts:
Course lessons in Moodle.

Learning is assessed through a written examination. The examination consists of 22 multiple choice and 3 short answer questions. These questions cover both theoretical knowledge and practical reasoning acquired during the course and apply these skills to case studies.
The assessment criteria for the short answer questions on theory and reasoning will be as follows (a) accuracy of theoretical information; (b) appropriate use of the discipline's own language; (c) validity of reasoning; (d) ability to communicate and explain effectively.
The opportunity to take a test before the end of the course is offered to students who attend classes regularly.
Lessons, in-person and online laboratory activities (blended mode).
Students not attending the course should contact the teacher and tutor to obtain the Moodle access code. Send an email to with the subject: ACCESS CODE.


This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 28/05/2024