Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0563 (AF:378649 AR:201288)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Go to Moodle page
The course is placed among the supplementary disciplines of the Master’s Degree in Philology and Italian Literature, modern-contemporary curriculum.
The course aims to provide students with methodological and didactic tools for the teaching profession in the field of Italian literature. It therefore aims to identify food for thought on teaching models and their applicability in school and to consolidate scientifically correct teaching skills.
At the end of the course the student will be able to identify and select the methods, techniques and teaching materials most appropriate to the achievement of the learning results provided by the legislation in the different orders and degrees of school for the teaching of Italian. He will be able to explain the process of reading, understanding and interpreting literary texts and its effects on learning and to know and use, in the basic models, the tools of didactic design for Learning Units.
To properly follow the lessons the student must have a good command of the Italian language, know the historical development of Italian literature and for direct reading the classics of our tradition.
The teaching profession: the normative references. The National Indications and the Guidelines.
Critical methods and teaching techniques. The manuals.
Teaching literature (from secondary school to the three years of secondary school).
The periodization and the canon.
Teaching by themes and teaching by genres.
The didactic paths. Programming.
The State Examination and the evaluation.
Reading at school.
Digital Italian literature.
The texts analyzed in class will be uploaded on the University’s “Moodle” e-learning platform.
Critical Bibliography:
R. Luperini, "Insegnare letteratura oggi", Manni, 2013;
R. Carnero, "Il bel viaggio. Insegnare letteratura alla generazione Z", Bompiani, 2020;
N. Tonelli (edited by), "Per una letteratura delle competenze", Loescher, 2013, pp. 11-43 e 55-93 («I Quader-ni della ricerca», 06) (available at the link: laricerca.loescher.it/i-quaderni-della-ricerca-06).
The final learning test consists of:
in the written elaboration of a learning unit agreed with the teacher;
in an oral interview lasting about 30 minutes on the topics addressed during the course.
The student must demonstrate mastery of the contents and skills acquired, linguistic accuracy and lexical properties.
The evaluation criteria respond to different levels of skills: from the minimum level of an uncertain knowledge of the contents to the highest level of in-depth knowledge of the contents, the ability to critical reorganization of the same and excellent exhibition competence.
The course is divided into lectures, which provide for active participation by students and make use of multimedia support (use of Word and Power Point with the video projector), and exercises aimed at the realization of disciplinary and interdisciplinary educational paths that can be implemented in the differ-ent school contexts.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 15/05/2022