Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0089 (AF:378630 AR:201310)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
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Reading La Queste del Saint Graal
These lessons aim to contribute to the development of the knowledge and skills that are the goals of the FLI course by proposing a continuous and commented reading of "La Queste del Saint Graal": fourth of the five prose novels that make up the cycle of the "Lancelot-Graal" is one of the most refined and engaging narrative texts of the literature of the Romance Middle Ages, and an important source of the mediaeval myth in the Modernity.
- overall knowledge on the 13th century French prose fiction
- strengthening of passive competence in Old French (morphosyntax, stylistics of prose); acquisition of competence in narratological analysis.
Basic knowledge of Old French language and literature.
The French prose romance;
the "Lancelot-Grail" cycle;
structure and form of the "Queste": analysis of its components by the translation of the text..
Texts and bibliography will be provided during the lessons, and made available on the Moodle platform.
To study:
Claudio Lagomarsini, Il Graal e i cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda. Guida ai romanzi francesi in prosa del Duecento, Bologna, il Mulino, 2020.
The learning assessment will take place through an oral test, in which the skills of the candidates in the direct translation of the text (and in its stylistic and semantic analysis), and their historical-literary knowledge of context will be tested.
Translation and stylistic analysis.
During the year, a seminar will be held, open to students of the bachelor programme, to students of the graduate programme and to anyone interested. A first section (October-December 2022) will be dedicated to translating the prose romances in Old French; the second one (February-May 2023) on modern imagery (19th-21st century) on the Arthurian myth. Active attendance (translation exercises, interventions at the seminar, etc.) will entitle everyone to 3 credits of activity equivalent to a stage. Information on dates and times will be provided at the beginning of the 2022-2023 courses.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 03/01/2023