Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT9017 (AF:377200 AR:289905)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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The aim of the course is to give PISE students the conceptual and methodological tools to understand reasons and implications of the globalization processes in contemporary economy, as well as reflect critically on the change of these processes in recent years, that challenged the globalisation trends established after the Cold War. The theoretical lectures will be alternated with thematic insights on the impact in global economy of the main trends in world trade and foreign investments, the role of technological innovation, economic and spatial inequalities, migration processes, and the economic impact of the geopolitical tensions.
The student will be able to use the tools of economic analysis to study the nature and trends of the globalization processes, accrue the ability to discuss critically its developments, and identify political actions for a conscious governance of this phenomenon.
Knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course, the student will be able to recognize the many forms - trade, financial, production, technological, migration - through which economic processes develop on an international scale, as well as the main causes, enabling factors and limits to the growth of economic integration on a global scale.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student will also be able to analyze international trade and foreign investment statistics, critically read economic reports of multilateral organizations, evaluate the possible impacts of opening to international trade, a foreign direct investment, a trade barrier, a migration process.
Basic knowledge of micro and macroeconomics is required. During the lessons, the fundamental concepts of economic analysis, useful to deepen macro-economic accounting in open economies, the international trade and the factors mobility, will be recalled.
- Facts, Stages and Dimensions of economic globalization, degloabalization and riglobalization
- How does an open economic system work and how to take measure of growth
- To gauge international economic relations: the Balance of Payments
- Gain from trade and its social distribution: absolute and comparative advantage, economies of scale, technological learning
- Political economy of trade policies
- From Trade to Global Value Chains
- Multinational firms in global economy
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the New Geography of Development
- Global inequalities
- Economics and Policies of Migration
- Economic Complexity, Institutional Quality, and Sustainability
- New rules for the Global Economy
K. A. Reinert, An Introduction to International Economics. New Perspective on the World Economy, Cambridge University Press, 2020

Richard Baldwin, The Great Convergence. Information Technology and the New Globalization, Harvard University Press, 2016
Dani Rodrik, Straight Talk on Trade. Ideas for a Sane World Economy, Princeton University Press, 2018

Readings and teaching material will be provided to the students during the lectures
Written test, composed of multiple choice questions and some open questions.
During the lessons, students will be offered in-depth readings and classroom discussions. The individual contribution to these discussions will be evaluated by the teacher as a supplement to the final exam grade.
Regarding the grading, the exam will be marked on a scale ranging from 0 to 30. The minimum passing grade is 18. Honors ("lode") will be granted only for exceptional capacity of judgment and excellent knowledge of the topics under evaluation.
Lectures, teaching seminars, discussion on readings, active learning

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 22/12/2024