Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0517 (AF:376549 AR:212018)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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Aim of this course, consistently with the objectives of the master's degree, is to develop a basic understanding of main topics in the economics of welfare state. The course illustates existing main welfare programmes, also in an international comparison perspective.
Students are expected to be able to define central concepts and apply these in basic discussions about the role of the state and the individual in provision of welfare (in terms of efficiency, social justice and equity) and some of the major issues in the design and financing of welfare state provisions. Moreover, it is important for the students to be able to apply concepts and theories to practical domestic and global policy debates. Emphasis will be placed on income inequality, poverty and social exclusion and their measurement methods.
1. 1. Knowledge and comprehension skills:
1.1. to understand the motivations of public intervention through the theoretical framework of the Welfare economics
1.2. to understand the effects of monetary transfers versus in kind transfers
1.3. to understand the relationships between spending programs and the taxation system

2. Applied knowledge and comprehension skills:
2.1. to know how to use national and international database
2.2. to be able to apply concepts and theories to practical domestic and global policy debates
2.3 to be able to measure poverty traps

3. Use of independent judgment:
3.1. to interpret the motivations of public intervention;
3.2. to understand the effects of welfare programs on agents' economic choices;
3.3. to consider economic issues through analytical methods.

You are expected to be comfortable with knowledge of English.
1. The welfare state
Welfare programmes
Design and effects of Welfare programmes
Money transfers versus in kind benefits

2. Social assistance expenditures
Selective, universal and in kind programs
Measuring income inequality, poverty and social exclusion
Poverty traps

3. Healthcare systems
Health systems and financing models: the Beveridge model, the Bismark model, the OOF model and the national health insurance model
Determinants of health
How to measure health inequalities
Ferrera, M. Le politiche sociali, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2019.
Bosi, P. Corso di scienza delle finanze, capitolo VIII La spesa per il welfare (pp. 439-590), Il Mulino, Bologna (ottava edizione).
Artoni, R. Lezioni di scienza delle finanze, Parte terza, capitoli X. I servizi sociali e XI. Il sistema sanitario, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2003.

Additional teaching material made available in Moodle.
The exam is written and involves theoretical questions, graphical analyses and numerical exercises.

There is no oral exam.
written and oral
The course is organized in lectures, classroom exercises, with Active Learning sessions guided by the teacher during the course and individual study.
Students are encouraged to attend classes in an active way, reading the chapters of the book before coming to class and doing the exercises (available on the Moodle platform).

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 25/05/2022