Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CM0330 (AF:374554 AR:211854)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course of Advanced Analytical Techniques and Laboratory is part of the training activities characterizing the Master's Degree Course in Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies, aimed at providing students with the appropriate preparation to study complex aspects in the chemical field in its various aspects and to propose original approaches for their resolution.

The course is divided into two modules (defined Module 1 and Module 2), each of them divided into theory classes (held in the classroom) and laboratory lessons. Both modules have common training objectives as listed below:

1. To provide knowledge on a wide spectrum of advanced electrochemical and coupled analytical techniques, the latter based, in particular, on inorganic and organic mass spectrometry.
2. To provide in-depth knowledge on the theoretical aspects that underlie the different analytical techniques taken into consideration, strengthening, if necessary, the basic contents already acquired in the previous study cycle.
3. Provide advanced and rigorous knowledge on how to deal with an analytical datum.
4. Provide knowledge on the instrumental apparatus and develop practical skills in order to perform an experimental measurement with the appropriate accuracy and precision.
5. Develop the ability to propose new approaches in the chemical-analytical field to solve complex problems related to the qualitative and quantitative determination of components in real matrices.
6. Develop skills to extract analytical information from instrumental signals obtained under limiting conditions.
7. Develop skills for associating IT skills with the instrumental apparatus to extract chemical-analytical information, even with automated and / or "on line" procedures.

The expected results are defined according to the different contents of the two modules in which the course of Advanced Analytical Techniques and laboratory is divided.
The course aims to provide the knowledge and methodological bases necessary for the analysis of elements and organic compounds in abiotic and biotic matrices necessary. The student will acquire a broad spectrum of analytical chemistry knowledge and skills including:

Knowledge and understanding
- Know the fundamental principles and terminologies of advanced analytical techniques.
- Know the pre-analytical techniques for the determination of elements and organic compounds in biotic and abiotic matrices.
- Know the principles of operation and use of advanced analytical instruments.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
- (Knowing the fundamental principles and terminologies of advanced analytical techniques). Knowing how to correctly understand and use scientific terminology used to describe advanced analytical methodologies. Knowing how to use the advanced analytical technique suitable for the qualitative and quantitative determination of elements and organic compounds in real matrices.
- (Know the pre-analytical techniques for the determination of elements and organic compounds in biotic and abiotic matrices). Knowing how to identify and use suitable pre-analytical procedures suitable for to solve complex problems related to the qualitative and quantitative determination of components in real matrices
- (Know the principles of operation and use of advanced analytical instruments). Knowing how to identify and use the advanced analytical instruments suitable for solving the analytical problems.

Judgment skills
Knowing how to identify and use the advanced analytical chemical methodologies suitable for solving the proposed analytical chemistry problems.

Communication skills
Knowing how to communicate both verbally and in writing the obtained results with adequate language.

Learning ability
To know how to use the scientific method as a work tool both for the continuation of the training course and for the professional activity. Knowing how to identify and use advanced analytical methodologies for solving the analytical problems
Basic knowledge in analitycal chemistry
The course takes into consideration the analytical methodologies to determine the elements and organic compounds in abiotic and biotic matrices. All the analytical steps are examined from the treatment of the sample to the determination.
Will be examined and used the following analytical methodology:
- Low and high resolution mass spectrometry.
- Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (high and low resolution).
- Liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS / MS, IC / MS, LC-Orbitrap, LC-TOF)
- Inorganic mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).
- Pre-analytical methods for the determination of micro-pollutants in environmental matrices.
- Sampling activities, treatment of abiotic and biotic samples, analysis of elements and organic compounds.
Lecure notes
With the oral examination will be verified :
- Theoretical knowledge of analytical methodologies
- Theoretical knowledge in the use of analytical instrumentation
- Technical knowledge to solve analytical problems

The questions include the description and the solution of analytical problems

The final mark of the teaching activities of Advanced Analytical Techniques is composed of the arithmetic average of the marks obtained in the two different modules.
Lectures and laboratory practice

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Natural capital and environmental quality" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 13/05/2022