Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT0543 (AF:374016 AR:202838)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The main training objective of the course is to allow the student to recognize and describe the characteristics of a building of ancient construction, its processes of transformation and degradation, the events of instability, any deficiencies, the functional potential that it offers, the different ways in which they can be compensated for its shortcomings and solved the problems of usability.
The educational objective is to acquire the following skills:
- knowledge of the orientations and theories of architectural restoration, with reference to the main theoretical positions of the discipline, starting from the founding fathers to the most recent methodological declinations;
- Awareness of the role assumed by the knowledge of the architectural good, starting from the survey and the development of the ability to recognise constructive and morphological features, for the success of the restoration;
- knowledge of visual characterisation tools, with particular reference to the ability to recognise and interpret phenomena of degradation and transformation processes (stratigraphic reading of the elevation);
- knowledge of visual tools for the recognition and interpretation of structural and seismic damage processes of buildings;
- ability to interpret and read the architectural restoration project understood in all its components, in particular focusing on the relationship between the specialised conservation and restoration interventions relating to the individual components and the whole.

(preferably) Basic knowledge of the history of architecture and theories of pictorial restoration.
Introduction - What is Restoration?
Legislation Cultural Heritage Buildings
Reading the construction characteristics of historic buildings
Reading of material decay
Reading of static, seismic instability phenomena
Stratigraphic reading of the elevated
Theories and orientations of restoration
Techniques and modes of intervention
All teaching communication materials will be made available on a web server or by other means to be agreed upon. Digital formats will be preferred, as they allow for easier transmission of information. Suggested bibliography:
Brandi, C., Teoria del restauro, Einaudi, Torino, 1977 e 2000
Doglioni, F., Stratigrafia e restauro. Tra conoscenza e conservazione dell'architettura, Trieste, 1997
Carbonara, G. Avvicinamento al restauro. Teoria, storia, monumenti, Liguori, Roma, 1997
Torsello, P.B., Che cos'è il restauro? Nove studiosi a confronto, Marsilio, Venezia, 2005
Doglioni, F., Nel Restauro. Progetti per le architetture del passato, Marsilio, Venezia, 2008
Boato, A., L' archeologia in architettura. Misurazioni, stratigrafie, datazioni, restauro. Ediz. Illustrata, Marsilio, 2008
Doglioni, F., Mirabella Roberti G., Venezia - Forme della costruzione – Forme del dissesto, Cluva, 2011
Lionello, A., Tecniche costruttive, dissesti e consolidamenti dei campanili di Venezia, Venezia 2011
Doglioni, F., Mirabella Roberti G., Venezia - Forme della costruzione – Forme del dissesto, Cluva, 2011
Trovò, F., Nuova Venezia antica. L'edilizia privata negli interventi ex lege 798/1984, Maggioli, 2011
Carbonara, G., Architettura d’oggi e restauro – Un confronto antico-nuovo, Utet, Milano, 2011
Musso, S., Tecniche del Restauro – Aggiornamento, Utet, Torino 2013 (per consultazione)
Trovò, F., I serramenti dell’edilizia storica di Venezia, Conoscenza e Intervento, Il Prato, 2013
Gasparoli, P., Trovò, F., Venezia fragile. Processi di Usura del sistema urbano e possibili mitigazioni, Altralinea, Firenze, 2014
Di Resta, S., Le «forme» della conservazione - Intenzioni e prassi dell'architettura contemporanea per il restauro, Gangemi, 2016
Doglioni, F., Scappin, L., Squassina, A., Trovò, F., Conoscenza e restauro degli intonaci e delle superfici murarie esterne di Venezia. Campionature, esemplificazioni e indirizzi degli interventi, il Prato Casa Editrice, Padova, 2017
Manfredi C., a cura di, Le politiche di tutela del patrimonio costruito, Mimesis, 2017
Gasparoli, P., Pianezze, F., Trovò, F., Venezia resiliente. Mitigazioni e monitoraggi per il governo del cambiamento, Altralinea, Firenze, 2020
The examination to assess learning will consist of an oral interview, in which the candidate will have to demonstrate that he/she has acquired the course content and a bibliography that will be agreed upon during the course.
Lectures will be mainly in the classroom, using power point presentations with pictures and captions. There will also be seminar discussions. Guided tours are hoped for.
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 23/05/2023