Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0180 (AF:369570 AR:199182)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Class 1
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The teaching, included among the basic disciplines of the course of study, intends to guide to the knowledge of Italian literature and the acquisition of the fundamental tools for textual interpretation: a hermeneutic exercise, this one, indispensable for the conquest also of an ability to analyze and evaluate autonomously and critically the phenomena of culture.
At the end of the course the student will be able to know the characteristics of the historical-literary periods covered, the cultural movements, the individual authors addressed and the works read; to know the various types of texts and their structural and formal characteristics. He/she will also have achieved the ability to contextualize the authors addressed and the texts read in the historical-cultural frame of reference and to analyze and understand literary texts using specific vocabulary. More specifically, he/she will know how to:
- carry out the paraphrase of a literary text (in poetry and prose), moving from ancient to contemporary Italian;
- carry out the analysis of a poetic text, through the use of the appropriate specific terminology, metrics and rhetoric;
- carry out the commentary and overall interpretation of a literary text.
- Good knowledge of the Italian language;
- knowledge, in its general outlines, of the history of Italian literature;
- Possession of the basic tools for approaching literary text.
“Literary journeys,” between the 14th and 16th centuries.
- The theme of travel in Dante’s life and work (with special reference to the Commedia: Inferno, XXI, descriptive verses of the Venice arsenal and XXVI; Paradiso, XI, XII, XV-XVII)
- Novelle di viaggio in Boccaccio’s Decameron (day II, novelle 4, 6, 7, 9; day IV, novella 4; day V, novella 1)
- Toward the Holy Land: itineraries of the poem - from chivalric to heroic - between Ariosto and Tasso
The texts that will be the subject of explanation and commentary in class will be shared with students via the University’s “Moodle” e-learning platform; study will be conducted primarily on the notes taken in class.
Regarding the general framework of the authors and works addressed, please refer to one of the anthologies recommended below for possible supplementation of the notes (the indication is merely illustrative, and the anthologies indicated are substitutable with another similar textbook, perhaps already in your possession):
G. Baldi, S. Giusso, M. Razetti, G. Zaccaria, Il piacere dei testi, Milano-Torino, Paravia;
C. Bologna, P. Rocchi, Rosa fresca aulentissima, Torino, Loescher;
R. Luperini, P. Cataldi, L. Marchiani, F. Marchese, La scrittura e l’interpretazione, Palermo, Palumbo;
C. Giunta, Cuori intelligenti. Mille anni di letteratura, Milano, Garzanti.
For the cantos of Dante’s poem, again as a possible supplement and further study, refer to a chosen, annotated edition of The Comedy.
More detailed indications (critical essays and specific bibliography, reading recommendations...) will in any case be provided as the course progresses.
The examination will take the form of an oral interview.
In the examination, evaluation will be based on the following criteria:
- accuracy in knowledge of the literary-historical periods and works addressed;
- exposition conducted correctly, fluently and with language relevant to the specificity of the discipline;
- ability to make connections and rework content;
- ability to interpret texts.
Teaching methods will be based on face-to-face lectures (always open to dialogue with students); there will be a focus both on the framing of the historical-literary periods addressed and the authors that characterize them and on the reading and analysis of selected texts. We will also make use of multimedia supports (Power Pont) and teaching materials (texts and others) will always be made available on the e-learning platform “Moodle”
Thus, for the students’ learning fundamental will be the lectures themselves, to be supplemented with individual study.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 24/08/2022