Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMH310 (AF:368607 AR:214890)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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In the context of the Master's Degree in Environmental Humanties, this course is among those offered in the field of natural sciences and aimed at providing basic scientific knowledge underlying the environmental issues. This course aims at providing a basic knowledge and some conceptual tools useful to afford the problems concerning the biodiversity crisis, the so called "Sixth Extinction", that is one of the most urging aspect of the environmental emergency of our time. As many International Institutions claim, nature is declining globally at a unprecedented rate in human history, being the rates of species exctinctions accelerated with severe impacts for humans around the world.
The course will discuss these topics by means of the historical pathway, the conceptual basis and the approaches provided by a modern discipline aimed at contrasting the biodiversity erosion of anthropic origin. This discipline is a multidisciplinary field of both basic and applied sciences: most of these disciplines are natural and biological sciences, being combined with social and economic sciences, legislative aspects and eco-philosophic perspectives. This discipline offers therefore the opportunity to discuss very relevant and emergent topics of the environmental thought: bio-centric and anthropocentric view, co-evolution between Human and Nature, relationships between wildlife and human interference, the conflict between Antrhoposphere and Biosphere.
Understanding and knowledge:
Students are expected to develop skills and basic knowledge to understand: 1) Biological evolution, biodiversity, biophilia and conservation biology 2) Direct and indirect implications concerning the human impact on Nature. Students are expected to acquire conceptual tools and basic knowledge on: 1) Conflicts between cultural evolution and biological evolution, Anthroposphere and Biosphere, Anthropocentric and Bio-centric views. 2) Relationships and co-evolution between Humans and Nature.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
The student will be able to: 1) Apply scientific knowledge to investigate the main environmental issues 2) Observe and conceptualize the Earth as Biosphere 3) Develop concepts and knowledge for a proper environmental education 4) Understand evolutionary and ecological factors affecting Biodiversity 5) Understand the conservation strategies for biodiversity protection.
No specific prerequisite.
1. Biodiversity (Biological Diversity), Biophilia, Conservation and Conservation Biology: some definitions and historical and eco-philosophical aspects
2. What is Biological Evolution: history and theories
3. The Sixth Extinction: the biodiversity crisis
4. An introduction to Conservation Biology: an historical and eco-philosophical perspective
5. Phylosophical perspectives: the values of Biodiversity and the ethical foundations of Conservation, the Human-Nature dualism, Biocentrism/Anthopocentrism dualism,
6. Conservation Biology in practice: some case studies
Scientific articles and ppt-slides will be provided on moodle platform and discussed during the frontal lectures.
The final exam consists of an oral discussion of 3 issues developed during the course, including eventually an issue at the choice of the student. The ability of the student to discuss the different topics and to develop a critical view on the main issues developed during the course will be tested.
Ppt slides and scientific articles will be provided on the moodle platform. Specific readings will be suggested during the lectures. Group discussions on specific topic.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 10/03/2023