Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMJ090 (AF:366916 AR:195440)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames M-Z
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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This is a fundamental module in a second level degree course which has aims to develop high level competences in the field of European languages, literatures and cultures. Within this context it sets out to provide students with the instruments they need to achieve mastery of the language, in oral production and interaction, as well as in writing skills, through a detailed and variegated study of multiple aspects of the English language today, in a perspective which may be interdisciplinary and may shed light on the development of English as the world's lingua franca.
Together with the annual ‘lettorato’ course, the module aims to help students progress towards level C2 of the CEFR, particularly with regard to oral production and oral interaction, in a wide-ranging context of research into aspects of English today, while the activities of the lettorato will focus mainly on the acquisition of academic writing skills.

Specific objectives:

1 Knowledge and understanding of the ongoing evolution of English, including as the world’s lingua franca

2 Knowledge and understanding of the underlying course theme, ‘Aspects of English Today’, when applied to researching and making a presentation on a topic identified by the student

3 Making informed judgements in the carrying out of personal research, in choosing between sources of information, in the development of a critical but constructive attitude towards presentations made by peers, and in the ability to evaluate one’s own performances in the language learning process

4 Communication skills ranging from C1 to C2 on the CEFR, for both oral production and oral interaction, and academic writing

5 The module has a dual learning focus; it aims to help the student undertake autonomous research, through individual initiative and also by working in pairs and in groups, while at the same time offering the opportunity to consolidate the refined language skills which are needed to be able to describe and interpret the complex socio-cultural and linguistic realities of an increasingly globalized world.
Level C1 of the Common European Framework.
The module will focus on the acquisition of skills closely connected to the CEFR, especially spoken production. Whereas the lettorato will be concerned primarily with developing writing skills (academic writing), the module will offer students the chance to make multi-media presentations on topics chosen by them but which they think will be of interest to the group, and to debate these issues in class. Paired presentations are also encouraged, when students share similar research interests. The broad background area ('Aspects of English today') can include the role of English today, varieties of English, contemporary literature in English, attitudes to English, or connections between language and culture, for instance. Students will be rquired to produce short written introductions to their presentations.
The lettorato will focus on consolidating students' writing skills.
Since course themes will be chosen by students, there is no coursebook and no prescribed reading for the whole class. Students should present their own bibliographies and webliographies in connection with the presentations they choose to make.
Students who attend lessons can opt for the continuous assessment programme, or an end-of-course exam. In line with the learning objectives, both assessments involve making a presentation on an agreed topic relevant to the course theme, and replying to questions from the class (continuous assessment) or the professor (exam format). The student must also produce a written introduction to the presentation. For the lettorato part of the assesment, the student will have to fulfil two writing tasks: a critical essay on a literary work written by a non native user of English (in line with the course focus on English lingua franca) and a translation of a text into English, or (for international students) a free-standing essay.
written and oral
Following the introductory sessions, student led seminars. All presentations will be put on line on the website of the 'Laboratorio Linguistico' (formally CMM) http://lingue.cmm.unive.it/ , available to all students (whether attending or not), through a password which will be provided by the professor.

As a result of the Covid-19 emergency teaching methods - and as a consequence test type - are susceptibe to modifications.
Please refer to Prof. Riggs's personal page for notices, office hours, and further information about the course.

This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 02/02/2022