Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM7029 (AF:363667 AR:192609)
Blended (on campus and online classes)
ECTS credits
Class 1
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The aim of the course is to provide the preliminary knowledge deemed necessary for the transition towards a responsible and sustainable business model, in the awareness that global phenomena (such as the recent Covid-19 pandemic but also phenomena related to climate change, socio-political crises, etc.) can upset the competitive ecosystem of the company.
The course provides students with an overview of the most crucial managerial challenges embedded in the relationship between the company, its competitive environment and the broader business ecosystem. In the light of the themes highlighted by the World Economic Forum in the most recent "Global Risks Report" available, the course leads students to gain awareness of the process through which changes in the macroeconomic and global framework are reflected in business activities, including impacts at the local level. Secondly, the student learns the basics for the analysis of these phenomena and for their communication to the stakeholders, in the form of sustainability reporting. Finally, through the business model innovation approach, the student will propose (through both an individual contribution and through group-works) a managerial response to the challenges described in the first part of the course.
At the end of the course the students will: a) acquire full awareness of some main phenomena classified by the World Economic Forum as global risks; b) be able to analyze the business impact of one or more of these phenomena, chosen among the most relevant for the economic implications; c) acquire the ability to communicate and to highlight the complex relationships between global risks and the business of the company, through the use of specific tools for sharing the analysis and for the representation of results; d) simulate (in a series of exercises carried out partly individually and partly in working groups), the organizational process for the definition of a business model innovation in response to a specific macro-thematic chosen. To achieve this learning objective, in addition to lectures, the course includes group exercises in the classroom, the results of which are an integral part of supporting the final exam.
Students must have bachelor-level knowledge of management.
- The key challenges in 21st-century management
- Detecting the key trends and learning from case studies
- Dealing with the sustainable development issue
- Principles of innovation management
- From technological innovation to business model reconfiguration
- The process for preparing the sustainability report and for identifying sustainable business model innovations
Readings and materials for the group works will be made available at the beginning of the course in the moodle platform
Exam for the first session
Students who attend regularly will have the possibility to solve class assignments and/or homework that will be randomly given during the course and that will provide bonus points for the exam.
Groups of students will be defined among those who attend regularly and have delivered all class assignments. Such groups will receive case-studies to be solved using the tools and concepts learned in class. Such work will provide additional bonus points for the exam.
At the end of the course, top performers will have the opportunity to present their work in class
Finally, each student will have to prepare an individual written report (the scheduling for the final paper will be communicated later).
Students who attend regularly will be evaluated on the basis of a) assignments, b) group work, c) individual paper.

Exam for the other sessions and for non-attending students
For sessions following the first one, the exam will consist of writing a paper to be delivered within 24 hours. The paper will consist of an assignment that will require both case analysis and answering questions.

All exams will take place online via the Moodle platform.
The general evaluation criteria are the following:
- completeness and precision, with respect to the topic assigned;
- rigorousness of terminology and, in general, professionalism;
- degree of comprehension achieved by the student about the course topic, measured (for instance but not only) through the capability of the student to propose own examples or own way of explaining concepts and theories;
- correct application of the tools and concepts explained in the course;
Specific evaluation criteria will depend on the assignment.
Lectures, class discussion, laboratories and case-study development, possibly in cooperation with third parties
Students are encouraged to use a laptop or a tablet during classes

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Climate change and energy" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 09/04/2021