Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT9025 (AF:362498 AR:187858)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Class unica
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The teaching comprises a theoretical module during the second semester as well as yearly linguistic practice courses strictly linked to it and coordinated by the professor. The main class objective is to build a basic metalinguistic knowledge of the french language and achieve a linguistic competency equivalent to the B1 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The achievement of the learning objectives will be tested through a structured exam session.

Class 1 for students "literature, linguistics, didactics"
Class 2 for students "politico internazionale"

For practice classes with the linguistic trainers:
LF1 gr. A ----> valido per Inglese (A-L) + Spagnolo + Tedesco + Svedese + LIS
LF1 gr. B ----> valido per Inglese (M-Z) + Anglo-americano + Russo + Portoghese
Detailed learning objectives:
1. Knowledge and comprehension. Knowledge of the French phonologic system, lexical formation and the fundamental sentence structures of the French language. Basic knowledge of french culture and history.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and comprehension. The metalinguistic competency developed during the module enables the students to improve the conscious learning of the language and its use, particularly in relation to the prononciation and formalities of the language.
3. Autonomy of judgement. Ability to compare the functioning of one's own language with the french language and compare the two countries' cultural elements.
4. Communication competencies. Development of the 4 abilities required to achieve a B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) through the practice classes.
5. Learning competencies. Students learn to build a portfolio they will carry throughout the years of study, which will testify their work and their abilities to learn autonomously.
None. Students can attend the course as beginners.
An intensive course for beginners will be offered from august 23th for 2 weeks, each morning.
Module with the professor at the second semester: the fundamental structures of the French language.
Chapter 1: the language phonologic system
Chapter 2: the French lexicon: where it comes from, how it is formed.
Chapter 3: morphology and syntax of the sentence. The syntagma. The verb. The sentence structure.

Workshops with the linguistic assistants from September 2020
For beginners: course A1'A2 the first semester with dott.ssa Florence Durello)

For all (with dott.sse Stéphanie Leroy and Veronique Mounition)
- Basic grammar exercises (morphology, conjugation, syntax)
- Written comprehension/production exercises B1
- Oral comprehension/production exercises B1
- Elements of culture and history: history and geography notions, administrative system (regions and departments, DROM COM), political institutions, educational system, time organisation, national and traditional holidays, culinary traditions, francophonie + content of the book Clés pour la France.
The required readings of the theoretical module (chapters with exercises) can be found online moodle Lingua francese 1. LT005L-CL 1. 19/20
Practice class: Moodle LT005L-1-ES 19/20)

Additional readings:
Léon Monique et Léon Pierre, La prononciation du français, Armand Colin 2009
Bescherelle Louis Michel, La grammaire pour tous, Paris, Hatier, 2006
Bescherelle Louis Michel, L'orthographe pour tous, Paris, Hatier, 2006
Bescherelle Louis Michel, La conjugaison pour tous, Paris, Hatier, 20061)

Practice classes:
1) Du bon coté , 2020 - Jamet, Sattler, Fourment - Minerva Scuola
2) Clés pour la France en 80 icones culturelles - Denis C. Meyer - Hachette FLE
3) a novel (to chose)
-Nel portfolio inserirete una scheda di lettura (una pagina) di un libro a scelta fra:
- Philippe Claudel, La petite fille de M. Linh,
- Maylis de Kerangal, Réparer les vivants
- Michel Bussi, T’en souviens-tu mon Anais, On la trouvait plutot jolie
- Eric Emmanuel Schmitt, Ulysse from Bagdad, L’homme qui voyait à travers les visages
- David Foenkinos, Charlotte, Vers la beauté

For beginners:
Berger-Spicacci, Savoir-dire, Savoir-faire I, livello A2-B1, Zanichelli

Except if changes due to pandemia, the final exam in French language 1 is divided into:
Written tests
1. a linguistic test + duration 45 minutes (module verification: competence 1)
2. a grammar test, duration 45 minutes (for the verification of skills 1 and 2)
3. a comprehension test of written documents on civilization issues with a questionnaire (similar test DELF B1), duration 30 minutes (for the verification of competence 4);
4. a written production of 180 words on a theme of everyday life (similar proof DELF B1), duration 45 minutes (for the verification of competence 4).

Oral exam
- oral presentation of one's own "portfolio" of learning
- reading and translation of a randomly chosen passage in the prepared novel and conversation on the book
- grammar question suggested by the read step.
- answers to questions on French civilization (comparison with the equivalent in Italy)

The portfolio shows the work done during the year, in the classroom and independently. In particular, the portfolio will include:
- a CV (European format) with a short summary of their language training,
- any certifications,
- 5 written productions carried out during the year (3 corrected by the CEL and at least 2 personal),
- 5 comprehension of written text (2 corrected by the CEL)
- a short summary (about ten lines for each) for 5 B1 level audio documents (among those on Moodle website or any other source of your choice),
- a written summary (1 page) of a book to choose from the mandatory readings
and anything that can testify to your additional personal work (for bonuses).

The DELF B1 or B2 certificate or ESABAC may substitute part of the university exam. Please contact the professor.

The entire exam must all be completed by the 4th call of this academic year. If this does not occur, the entire exam must be repeated in the following academic year.
written and oral
Module (30 hours)
Frontal teaching. The activities done in class for the module are available online on the CMM (multimedia center) : French triennial

Practical classes
A special course is provided for beginners from August 23th for two weeks
in the first semester
- additional support will be offered for beginners as well as reviews for students who have studied French in middle school only, during the first semester, with dott. Durello

Practical classes : grammar (all year), comprehension / oral production (second semester), written comprehension and civilization (first semester) and written production (second semester)
The activities done in class during the exercises are available online on the CMM.

Tutoring activity for small groups :grammatical reinforcement for the first semester
Non-attending students are asked to contact the professor. The study program remains unchanged. The portfolio must be presented with the work done during the year to prove the achievement of the 250 hours of study corresponding to the 12 credits.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 14/07/2021