Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0273 (AF:362281 AR:191082)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames M-Z
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course is one of the core educational activities characterizing the Bachelor's Degree Programme in History. It has the purpose to guarantee to the students the knowledge of historical processes, of the methodology of research in a historic environment, of the lexicon of the subject and to make students acquire skills as critical approach to issues in the understanding of causal relations and in the analysis of sources; scientific transmission of the acquired knowledges; habit to complex issues and their consequences.

The disciplinary and methodological purpose of the course is: being aware of the main issues related to the history of the Roman monarchy and republic; knowing chronological issues, historical events and understanding their causes; developing the principles and methods of historical research; being able to comprehend the relations between political, institutional, militar, economical, social and religious dynamics; applying the methodology of historical reconstruction with particular focus on the research of ancient sources and on the exegesis of each documentary class; acquiring the basic lexicon of history and historiography.
The reachment of these objectives guarantees to the student the cultural, disciplinary, methodological knowledge for Master courses fitting the Bachelor ‘s Degree and to insert in the world of work in didactical, cultural, organizational, divulgation and communication-linked field.
Attending the course and practicing individual study allow students to acquire specific knowledge: the development paths, the fundamental events, the principal issues of monarchical and republican Roman history, and the methodology of historical reconstruction and the subject’s lexicon. Attending and studying will allow students to acquire the ability to point out the roots of nowadays’s issues in order to make them comprehend better; being able to apply a critical approach to problems; know how transmit scientific concepts.
Together with students’s knowledge and abilities, the course will guarantee these skills: to create a hierarchy of information with personal critical judgment; know how to deal with complex problems; to be able to argue about basic scientific issues.
There is no disciplinary requirement. A good knowledge of italian language is necessary.
Through the analysis of ancient documents (literary texts, inscriptions, coins, iconographic and archaeological sources) the course will provide an outline of the political, institutional, social, economic, and religious history of the Roman world from the first settlements in ancient Latium to the fall of the Roman Republic.
Students who will not attend lessons will study the same contents and the lessons’s subjects will be substituted with the study of texts shown in the bibliography.
Required texts:
- class notes;
- G. Cresci Marrone-F. Rohr Vio-L. Calvelli, Roma antica. Storia e documenti, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2020, up to p. 210.
Students who cannot attend classes must contact the course tutor beforehand.
For the students who attended the course, the written exam consists of six questions. Two of them are essay questions: if the student does not answer to these questions he does not pass the exam. Other two are more synthetic essay questions based on a specific topic, through the analysis of some ancient sources. Another question asks to give two definitions of fundamental concepts related to Roman history. The last question consists of ten different events that must be listed chronologically. For the students that did not attend the course, an extra question is provided: it is referred to one of the topics of the supplementary bibliography. Each answer is judged according to a scale of thirty points, and the final mark is the result of the average of the points earned for each answer.
The exam’s aim is to ensure the acquisition of the basic knowledge of the subject, both connected to historical events and to the analysis of causes, of the abilities to synthesize information, of the use of a proper scientific terminology. The exam’s purpose is to verify the acquisition of abilities as the capacity to apply the subject’s methodology and sketch out an effective communication strategy: transmission of scientific contents, ability to draw together, selection of contents, use of specific lexicon. The exam verifies the skills in creating a hierarchy of the information with personal critical judgment; in dealing with complex problems; in arguing about basic scientific issues.
Regular class sessions. Class attendance is highly recommended.
Booklet and research and self-evaluation material can be found in the Ca’ Foscari e-learning Moodle platform.
The course can be combined with another Roman history class as a 12-credit course.

Students who attend this course will be entitled to take part to the seminar activities, stages and training courses organised by the Roman History and Classics faculty during the two terms (the calendar of activities will be provided in class and on the Ca' Foscari website).
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 08/03/2021