Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0565 (AF:362020 AR:191098)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
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The course is part of the related/integrative courses of the Master's degree course in Philology and Italian literature, medieval-Renaissance curriculum and aims to provide students with advanced knowledge and skills in the analysis and interpretation of texts of the Italian literary tradition belonging to the Medieval, Humanistic and Renaissance age. The achievement of the goal will allow students to independently use the theoretical and methodological tools necessary to deal with specific issues and problems related to the discipline.
Knowledge and comprehension: Students should be able to trace the history of Italian literature in its first centuries; to know the major authors of the period and their works; to know and comprehend the forms of texts in prose and in verse; to know and comprehend Old Italian.
Ability to use said knowledge: Students should be able to employ their historico-critical knowledge in the study of Italian literary history; to use correctly the specific terminology of the discipline; to analyse a literary text in its various aspects.
Judgment: Students should be able to autonomously formulate and argue hypotheses, as well as critically evaluate alternative hypotheses.
Communication skills: Students should be able to express the specifics of critical discourse on literature with adequate terminology.
Learning skills: Students should be able to critically consult the assigned texts as well as the bibliography therein.
Knowledge of the fundamental notions of Italian literature, philology and the history of language, acquired through the basic courses of literary and linguistic field of the degree course in Humanities.
The love "novella" between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
The course will deal with the novelistic form from its origins to the developments of the middle of the sixteenth century, focusing on a particular and very lucky typology: that of love topic.
The first part of the course will be dedicated to the theoretical and critical in-depth study of the new form/genre; will follow the reading and analysis of amorous "novella" by Giovanni Boccaccio ("Decameron"), Enea Silvio Piccolomini ("Historia de duobus amantibus", in translation); Luigi da Porto ("The Juliet"), Matteo Maria Bandello ("Juliet and Romeo").
G. Boccaccio, "Decameron" (una qualunque edizione moderna. Si consigliano le edizioni a cura di V. Branca, Torino, Einaudi, 2015, oppure a cura di A. Quondam - M. Fiorilla - G. Alfano, Milano, Rizzoli, 2018).
E. S. Piccolomini, "Historia de duobus amantibus", introduzione, traduzione e note a cura di D. Pirovano, Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2001.
D. Perocco, "La prima Giulietta. Edizione critica e commentata delle novelle di Giulietta e Romeo di Luigi Da Porto e di Matteo Maria Bandello", Milano, Franco Angeli, 2017.

A list of critical essays on the topics covered by the course from which to choose at least two readings to take to the exam will be provided at the beginning of the course.
Oral exam. The colloquy, roughly a half hour in duration, aims to test the student’s knowledge of the texts, of the problems involved in their interpretation, and of the problematics of their historico-literary context. Students who have attended class will be asked to reflect on aspects analysed during the lessons, and they will be invited to integrate what they have learned in class with what they have learned from the assigned readings. Those who have not attended class will be expected to talk about the texts and studies they have read. Students will be judged by their historico-literary competence and ability to formulate, with an adequate use of language, critically valid connections between the various problematics at hand.
Lessons combine lectures with active student participation. Didactic materials available on the e-learning platform
These textual and critical materials offer cues for further study, with respect to the reference texts listed above.
The program may be subject to changes and further specifications

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 25/04/2021