Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT5111 (AF:361304 AR:190280)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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Course on Spanish Language 1 consists of 2 modules and an annual language training (“esercitazioni”) closely integrated with the modules. The overal objective of this course is to develop a basic metalinguistic competence in Spanish language and to achieve linguistic competence at B1+ level - Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Spanish Language 1 mod. 1 (learning module) is held in the first semester and focuses on classes of words.
1. Knowledge and understanding:
Morphological and syntactic structures of Spanish.
Linguistic competence in Spanish language at B1+ CEFR level.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding:
Ability to recognize the different word classes and their properties; ability to recognize the basic morphological and sintactic structures of Spanish language; ability to describe the grammatical constructions and the grammatical phenomena studied in the course.

3. Making judgments:
Ability to formulate and argue simple hypotheses in Spanish language.

4. Communication:
Ability to explain on a basic level contrastive differences between Spanish and Italian morphological/syntactic structures; ability to use linguistic terminology in order to describe morphological and syntactic phenomena of Spanish language, and to stablish connections between them; ability to interact in Spanish language in communicative situations at a B1+ CEFR level; ability to put into practice linguistic competence at a B1+ level in order to present issues raised during the metalinguistic module.

5. Learning skills:
Basic ability to self-assess acquisition of metalinguistic contents, as well as linguistic competence of Spanish; ability to implement foreground knowledge to move forward onto the following modules and courses.
No pre-requisite is required.
Spanish language 1 mod. 2 (learning module):
1. Classes of words and syntagms: morphological, syntactic and semantic cryteria.
2. Noun.
3. Adjective.
4. Determiners.
5. Quantifiers.
6. Personal Pronouns.
7. Verb.
8. Adverb.
9. Prepositions.
Spanish language 1 mod. 1 (learning module)
In addition to classnotes:
- RAE; ASALE (2010): Nueva gramática de la lengua española. Manual. Madrid: Espasa.
- RAE; ASALE (2011): Nueva gramática básica de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa.
- RAE (2018): El libro de estilo. Madrid: Espasa.

Further readings
- Barbero, J. C.; Bermejo, F.; San Vicente, F. (2012): Contrastiva. Grammatica della lingua spagnola spagnolo-italiano. Bologna: CLUEB.
- Hualde, J.I. et al. (2001): Introducción a la lingüística hispánica. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The students’ learning is tested by means of three exams:
1. a written test for Spanish Language and Translation 1, module 1 (45 minutes);
2. a written test for Spanish Language and Translation 1, module 2 (45 minutes);
3. an oral test (15 minutes).

The written tests are multiple choice as well as open questions and will be evaluated in 15 points each. The sum of the score in each test will give a final mark on a scale of 30.
The oral test, which is to be considered a compulsory part of the exam, will test the communicative competence at B1+ level CEFR.
The oral test consists in an interaction and presentation and will be expressed as pass/fail.
The minimum score to pass the written tests of module 1 and module 2 is 6/15. After a positive evaluation, the teacher in charge of the course will calculate the end-of-term average during the official exam sessions and register the overall mark of Spanish Language and Translation 1.
The registration of the 12 CFU of the course will take place after the completion of the three tests. Since it is an annual course, passing one of the tests does not allow the student to obtain a partial registration of the mark (for example 6 CFU of module 1).
Students will have the chance to do the tests of module 1 and 2 both during the official exam sessions and at the end of each module (as ‘preappello’, an early and ad-hoc exam session or partial exam). The dates of each exam will be communicated by the teacher. Students willing to do the ‘preappello’ for module 1 will do so also for module 2; it is not possible to do the ‘preappello’ only for one module. The marks obtained in the module tests (including the ‘preappelli’) will last for the entire academic year.
written and oral
Frontal lectures; practical exercising.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 31/08/2021