Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0558 (AF:361078 AR:189853)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
This course is included in the "attività caratterizzanti" (characterizing activites) of the master course in Lavoro, Cittadinanza Sociale, Interculturalità (Labour, Social Citizenship and Interculture) and it is related to the following objectives of the master course:
- reaching ad advanced knowledge of features and dynamics of contemporary societies with particular reference to contemporary welfare states
- an advanced knowledge, understanding and analytical skills of the concept of social cohesion and of the (multi) level governance dynamics related to it.
Knowledge and understanding
The course aims to provide advanced knowledge on the concept of social cohesion starting from its emergence in the public debate in particular within the EU. Social cohesion is a broader concept than social policies and cannot be reduced only to the fight against social exclusion and poverty: it also consists in the creation of solidarity networks, within society, which support Interventions to combat marginalization and increase the resilience of communities themselves. At the end of the course, students will also have an articulated knowledge of how various local authorities in Italy have interpreted social cohesion, with particular reference to the scope of action of the Social Services.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
After attending the course the student will know:
- critically analyze the approaches to social cohesion and the projects activated both by the European Union and by Italian local authorities;
- co-design, together with other students, a practice of social cohesion that takes into account the various public and private actors and their specific roles, skills, interests.

To achieve these objectives, the course includes several moments of confrontation between students on the materials assigned, which must have been previously read. Students will also be asked to present some readings in class in order to stimulate a debate.

Autonomy of judgment:
During the course, students are invited to compare the various approaches and methodologies presented, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.

Learning ability:
Knowing how to critically consult the reference texts (and related bibliographies) and the teaching materials present on Moodle platform to make connections between different approaches and contexts.
Students should have a basic knowledge of the functioning of the welfare state and of the main social policies. Professor will provide some readings (not compulsory) for students who did not have any background on welfare state and social policies.
The course is thought as a laboratory in which students are invited to a regular attendance of lessons and a commitment to work at home to prepare readings and exercises. The main theoretical contents of the course concern multi level governance and social cohesion. Theoretical contents will subsequently be explored in their application to concrete practices and policies both at European and local level. During the course, experts, social workers and social workers will also be invited to present actual practices of social cohesion by focusing on the ways in which co-planning between public and private is developed.
Students are asked to design a practice of social cohesion in small groups, choosing a specific theme and territory, identifying a target group, the interlocutors and the methods of dialogue, the economic and human resources that can be activated, the possible obstacles that the practice could meet at the political level and in some sectors of society.
Exam materials will be communicated in February 2022.
The exam is written and oral. The written part is worth 50% of the grade and consists in the development of a social cohesion project to be carried out in a group of 2 or 3 people (no more than 3) and to be presented in the last lessons of the course. The precise instructions on setting up the project will be indicated in class and uploaded to Moodle during the first week of the course. The oral exam is valid for 50% of the vote, takes place in groups of 3 and focuses on the reference texts.
This modality is valid in any session of exam.
written and oral
The course includes some frontal lessons and other moments during which students are invited to discuss previously assigned readings and work in small groups on proposed exercises.
Ca' Foscari applies Italian law (Law 17/1999; Law 170/2010) for support and accommodation services available to students with disabilities or with specific learning disabilities. If you have a motor, visual, hearing or other disability (Law 17/1999) or a specific learning disorder (Law 170/2010) and request support (assistance in the classroom, technological aids for carrying out exams or exams individualized, accessible format material, notes retrieval, specialized tutoring to support the study, interpreters or other) contact the Disability and DSA office

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 19/03/2021