Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0550 (AF:360475 AR:250592)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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The course provides the main tools for understanding the cultural significance of the landscape. During the lessons we will discuss the following topics: the definition of landscape; the representation of the territory and landscape; the history of gardens; the preservation of the cultural landscape.
Students will acquire specific knowledge and skills in the history and culture of landscaping and gardens in a chronological period from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary. In addition to acquiring specific knowledge and expertise, students will be able to understand the importance of the topic landscape not only in a historical perspective but also in terms of contemporary culture.
- knowledge and understanding: the student will know the basic terminology of the subject; he will know the main stages of the development of landscape and garden concepts.
-ability to apply knowledge and understanding: know how to use the terminology and the reference lexicon to describe and analyze precise examples, movements or trends.
-judgment skills: knowing how to analyze a landscape or a garden with appropriate methodologies and a critical use of the available bibliography.
-communication skills: the student will be able to use the appropriate terminology to formulate, with a correct use of the Italian language, the description of a given example.
-learning ability: the student will recognize, chronologically place and describe the main episodes of the history of gardens and landscape. The student will be aware of the importance that gardens and landscape occupy within the great sphere of cultural heritage.
Basic knowledge of art history and history of architecture.
- The definition of the landscape in the disciplines of geography, aesthetics, painting, architecture, law). The representation of the landscape in painting, cartography and photography. The construction of the landscape; the European Landscape Convention.
- The garden from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century. Main topics: garden and religion; the symbolic meaning of gardens; gardens between architecture and engineering; the villa, the garden and the landscape; the french garden of the Seventeenth Century; the Picturesque garden; industrial revolution and public parks; the Charter for Historic Gardens and Landscapes "The Florence Charter".
The bibliography will be discussed during the course.
Many texts will be available as PDF in moodle.

Bibliography on Landscape and the representation of Landscape:
- M. Andrews, Landscape in Western Art, Oxford 1999 (cap. scelti in pdf)
- C. Tosco, Il paesaggio come storia, Bologna, Il Mulino 2007 (pdf)
- R. Assunto, Il paesaggio e l'estetica, Napoli, Giannini, 1973 (vol. 1)
- D. Pandakovic, A. Dal Sasso, Saper vedere il paesaggio, Novara, Città Studi edizioni, 2013
- M. Jakob, Il Paesaggio, Bologna, Il Mulino 2009 (pdf)

History of Gardens:
- A. Maniglio Calcagno, Architettura del paesaggio, Bologna, Calderini, 1983 (e edizioni successive) pdf
- E. Battisti, Iconologia ed ecologia del giardino e del paesaggio, a cura di G. Saccaro Del Buffa, Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2004
- M. Mosser, G. Teyssot, L'architettura dei giardini d'Occidente. Dal Rinascimento al Novecento, Milano, Electa, 1990 (e edizioni successive) cap. scelti in pdf
- Marie Luise Gothein, Storia dell'arte dei giardini, edizione italiana a cura di Massimo De Vico Fallani, Mario Bencivenni, Firenze, L. S. Olschki, 2006
- L. Morgan, The Monster in the Garden. The Grotesque and the Gigantic in Renaissance Landscape Design, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016 (cap. scelti in pdf)
- J.D. Hunt, A World of Gardens, London, Reaktion Books, 2012 (cap. scelti in pdf)

Conservation and protection:
Giardini, contesto, paesaggio, a cura di L. S. Pelissetti - L. Scazzosi, vol. I, Firenze (Olschki) 2005
The evaluation will be based on a written exam (two hours). The exam will have three exercises:
1) 5-6 multiple choice questions on topics discussed during the lessons
2) One question on a topic discussed in classroom: answer in form of a short paper
3) Abstract of a text that can be chosen from the bibliography in the moodle materials

Students with different abilities and / or with specific learning disorders following this course are invited to report to the teacher (and to the specific office disabilita@unive.it) any need to optimize the preparation for the exam.
During the lectures will be shown and commented the main topics, examples and problems .

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Natural capital and environmental quality" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 10/04/2023