Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT1E05 (AF:360469 AR:254934)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
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The module provides students with the fundamentals of marketing with the aim of showing specific knowledge and applications in the cultural and creative industries. The module is built around the concept of value that is generated by transforming the creativity and knowledge contained in the products and services into satisfying experiences for different audiences.
A specific session is dedicated to managing the value creation processes of tangible cultural heritage and its consequences for cities and territories.
At the end of the training module, students will be able to develop a marketing strategy for an institution, company or event taking into account the specific characteristics of cultural consumption and the socio-territorial context.
At the end of the course student will be able to:
- understand the main marketing management concepts and the evolution of marketing as a discipline;
- define the cultural and creative industries;
- identify and analyse customer value in the cultural and creative industries;
- measure market success and customer satisfaction;
- implement cultural marketing strategies and policies.
No specific previous knowledge is required
The module is organised around the management of four pillars in customer value :
- the analysis of the dimensions of value in the cultural and creative industries;
- the creation of value for different market segments;
- the transfer of value to the customer;
- the management of value over time.
Blythe J, Cedrola, E., Martin J., Fondamenti di Marketing (6a edizione) Pearson

Further readings
- Nuccio M. & Ponzini D. 2015, Le strategie di rigenerazione urbana della città creativa in (eds.) Montanari F. & Mizzau L. Laboratori urbani. Organizzare la rigenerazione urbana attraverso la cultura e l'innovazione sociale, 51, 83-90 Fondazione Brodolini
- Ostanel, E. and Cancellieri, A., 2014. Ri-pubblicizzare la città: pratiche spaziali, culture e istituzioni. Ri-pubblicizzare la città: pratiche spaziali, culture e istituzioni, Territorio 68(1) pp.46-49.
- Paolucci G. 2011 Produzione e consumo di cultura, in Introduzione a Bourdieu, Laterza
- Valentino P. 2013 L’impresa culturale e creativa: verso una definizione condivisa, Economia della cultura 23 (3)

Further materials by the instructor
For attending students (first two sessions only) the exam is a written test with multiple choice questions and open questions.
For attending students it is possible to present an essay to be delivered exclusively within the first exam session which can contribute to a maximum of 3 points in the final evaluation. On the contrary, any essay that is the result of plagiarism or have significant non-original parts will exclude the candidate from the possibility of passing the appeal even if the written test is positive.

For non-attending students and starting from the third session, the exam is always oral.
written and oral
Teaching methods include frontal lectures, case studies and on-site visits

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Cities, infrastructure and social capital" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/09/2023