Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0503 (AF:360159 AR:190260)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course forms part of the three-year degree in "Conservation of Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts Management", which provides essential tools for operators in the fields of preservation and promotion of artistic heritage.
The course aims to provide students with a series of knowledge relating to the historical evolution of the musical production system.
The course aims to offer the student an adequate knowledge of the production system of the opera house, both from the point of view of its historical evolution, and from the point of view of its articulation in the various professional figures that compose it.
Basic knowledge of history of musical theatre
The course will address an analysis of the historical evolution of the production systems of live musical performance, from the "court opera" of the early seventeenth century up to our contemporaneity, divided into "repertoire theater", "season theater" and " festival".
We will also study different models of management of the live show in their different components: the artistic-musical one, the technical one and the administrative one. This analysis will be conducted with the study of some concrete examples related to the different European realities of today.
Notes from the lessons and examples in projected slides during the lessons.

Required Texts:
Storia dell'opera italiana, a cura di Lorenzo Bianconi e Giorgio Pestelli, vol 4 Il sistema produttivo e le sue competenze, Torino, Edt, 1987, solo i saggi di Franco Piperno, John Rosselli e Fiamma Nicolodi (pp.1-231);

Giorgio Brunetti, Paolo Pinamonti, Board e sovrintendente: «Croce e delizia» dei teatri italiani in: Maurizio Rispoli, Giorgio Brunetti, Economia e management delle aziende di produzione culturale, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 309-329
The method of verifying learning will take place through the elaboration of a brief written dissertation of one of the topics of the course, with notes and related bibliography and web sites. The paper, 12 pages (24.000 signs, spaces included), has to be sent by email 3 days before the examen, and will be discussed during the orals, with the others topics of the course.will then be discussed during the exam.

Non-attending students must agree with the professor an alternative program.
These are lectures with audivisuals
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 19/09/2021