Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMI02Q (AF:359616 AR:187061)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course is part of the master's degree program "European, American and Post-colonial Languages ​​and Literatures", and is a characterizing lesson on the Iberian curicculum. The teaching is also characterized by the double title in Estudios Ibéricos and Iberoamericanos
The course objectives are as follows:
1) to strengthen the knowledge and understanding of the Hispanic American cultures and literatures acquired in the first cycle, as well as to elaborate and apply original ideas in the field of Hispanic American studies;
2) to develop skills in analyzing new or non-familiar topics, embedded in broader (or interdisciplinary) contexts related to the Hispanic American area;
3) to make judgments on cultural and literary issues based on limited or incomplete information by using knowledge acquired;
4) to communicate clearly and without ambiguity their conclusions, as well as their knowledge, to specialists and non-specialists;
5) to develop learning abilities that allow them to continue studying mostly self-directed or autonomous.
The prerequisites to access the course are the knowledge of the culture and history of the Latin American continent and the knowledge of the Spanish language (level C1).
The course is divided in two parts. First part “Hispanic American writers XIX-XXI centuries", the second part "Scriptures and rewrites between history and literature" focuses on Hispanic American culture through reading, analyzing and commenting on the texts of the 20th and 21st centuries.
First part

Esteban Echeverría, El matadero, (1838 , 1871)
Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Dos mujeres, (1843).
Condesa de Merlin, Viaje a La Habana, (1844)
Juana Manuela Gorriti, El tesoro de los incas, (1865).
Eduarda Mansilla, Recuerdos de viaje, (1882)
Clorinda Matto de Turner, Hima Sumac, (1884)
Alfonsina Storni, Nosotras y la piel, (1998)
Griselda Gambaro, El mar que nos trajo, (2001)
Maria Teresa Andruetto, Stefano, (2007)
Sylvia Molloy, Desarticulacione, (2010)
Jimena Néspolo, Las cuatro patas del amor, (2018)
María Moreno, Oración, (2018)
Gabriela Massuh, Degüello, (2019)

Antonio Cornejo Polar, Escribir en el aire : ensayo sobre la heterogeneidad socio-cultural en las literaturas andinas, Lima, CELAPC, 2003.
Mirta Yáñez, La narrativa romántica del romanticismo en Latinoamérica, La Habana, Letras Cubanas, 1989.
Francine Masiello, Entre civilización y barbarie. Mujeres, Nación y Cultura literaria en la Argentina moderna, Rosario, Beatriz Viterbo Editora, 1997.
Beatriz González-Stephan, Fundaciones: canon, historia y cultura nacional, Madrid, Frankfurt am Main, Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2002.
Susanna Regazzoni, Antología de escritoras hispanoamericanas del siglo XIX, Madrid, Cátedra, 2012.
Susanna Regazzoni, Entre dos mundos. La condesa de Merlin o de la retórica de la mediación, Rosario, Beatriz Viterbo Editora/UNR, 2012.
Susanna Regazzoni, El cuerpo (re) escrito. Autoras argentinas siglo XXI, Madrid, Verbum, 2021.


J.L. Borges, “El escritor argentino y la tradición” (1953), “Biografía de Tadeo Isidoro Cruz” (1944), “El fin” (1953).
Rosario Castellanos, Balún Canan, (1957)
Gabriel García Márquez, Cien años de soledad, (1967).
Osvaldo Soriano, Triste solitario y final, (1973)
Alejo Carpentier, Concierto barroco, (1974)
Cesar Aira, Ema, la cautiva, (1981)
Rigoberta Menchú, Me llamo Rigoberta Menchú y así me nació la memoria, (1983)
Rodrigo Fresán, “El único privilegiado”, (1991)
César Aira, Un episodio en la vida de un pintor viajero, (2000)
Héctor Abad Faciolince, El olvido que seremos, 2005
Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Las aventuras de la China Iron, (2017)
Miguel Ángel Asturias, Week end en Guatemala, (1956)
Cecilia Graña (ed.), Un lungo respito. Otto poemetti ispanoamericani del novecento, (2018)
Mario Vargas Llosa, Tiempos recios, Madrid, Alfaguara, (2019)
Selva Almada, Chicas muertas, 2014
Mariana Enríquez, Chicos que vuelven, 2010
Valeria Luiselli, Desierto Sonoro. Barcelona, Sexto Piso (2019).
Alia Trabucco Zerán, La resta. Santiago de Chile, Tajamar (2015).

Critical Bibliography:
Susanna Regazzoni, Lo plural en la escritura: Selva Almada, Mariana Enríquez y Gabriela Cabezón Cámara , Escrituras plurales. Resonancias, Parigi, Colloquia, pp. 111-122 (Articolo su libro)
Susanna regazzoni Otras transfiguraciones de Fierro: Martín Kohan y Gabriela Cabezón Cámara in LANDA, vol. 8, pp. 210-221 (ISSN 2316-5847) (Articolo su rivista)
Elide Pittarello Huellas nómadas: "Un poema en el bolsillo" de Héctor Abad Faciolince in MEMORIA Y NARRACIÓN, vol. 2, pp. 54-68 (ISSN 2535-597X) (Articolo su rivista)
Susanna Regazzoni, Osvaldo Soriano. La añoranza de la aventura. Una perspectiva exterior, Buenos Aires, Katatay Ediciones, 2017.
Cesare Segre, “Il tempo curvo di García Márquez” in I segni e la critica, Torino
The exam consists of an interview mainly in Spanish and will verify the contents of the form, the knowledge of the works studied with the support of the critical texts, as well as the historical and literary knowledge of centuries addressed (issues, evolutionary lines, main authors). The examination also consists in the drafting of a written essay to complement the oral exam.
The teaching methods used will be frontal lessons mainly in Italian, divided into two parts:
1) presentation of the author under study;
2) reading in Spanish language and analysis of the texts proposed in the bibliography.

Students are required to participate in the initiatives organized by Latin American chair and which will be given news in class:

13-14 sept 2021: Convegno internazionale “Diaspore. Del Mediterráneo a América Latina. Arte y literatura en las migraciones”.
20-21 sept 2021: Convegno internazionale “Diaspore. Del Mediterráneo a América Latina. Arte y literatura en las migraciones”.
12 oct 2021: Charlando con las escritoras. Diálogos sobre las literaturas hispanoamericanas contemporáneas. Incontro con Valeria Luiselli
13 otct 2021: L’Altro sono io. Maratona di letture migranti
19 oct 2021: Presentazione del libro Puertas di María Cecilia Graña
26 oct 2021: Charlando con las escritoras. Diálogos sobre las literaturas hispanoamericanas contemporáneas. Incontro con Jimena Néspolo
9 nov: Charlando con las escritoras. Diálogos sobre las literaturas hispanoamericanas contemporáneas. Incontro con Alia Trabucco Zerán
23 nov: Charlando con las escritoras. Diálogos sobre las literaturas hispanoamericanas contemporáneas. Incontro con Mylene Fernández
25-26 nov 2021: Il tempo delle donne. Un tempo per tutti. Giornata internazionale contro la violenza sulle donne
7 dec: Charlando con las escritoras. Diálogos sobre las literaturas hispanoamericanas contemporáneas. Incontro con Guadalupe Nettel
9 dec 2021: Conferenza di Elide Pittarello: “Héctor Abad Faciolince: trauma, debito, memoria”

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 22/06/2021