- Academic year
- 2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- CT0572 (AF:359563 AR:186957)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- ING-INF/01
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 3
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Expected learning outcomes
• An introduction of the main discrete components and the methodology of analysis of the circuits
containing them
• The main active components (diode, both bipolar and field-effect transistors) and the methods of
analysis of analog electrical networks containing diodes and / or transistors
• The operational amplifier and its main applications
• Transistor-level analysis of the basic electronic circuits used for data and signal processing
• Frequency filters and oscillators
• An introduction to the different sources of noise, methods of analysis and mitigation for the
design of precision analog circuits
After completing the course, the student will be able to:
• To analyze electronic circuits based on diodes operating in steady and transient conditions
• Design simple diode electronic circuits (for example limiters and rectifiers)
• Understand the principle of operation of transistor-based amplifiers
• To analyze and design single-stage amplifier stages, determining their main figure of merits
• Understand the principle of circuits based on operational amplifiers with negative feedback
operating in steady state and transient conditions and AC ;
• Analyze and design amplifier stages and filters based on operational amplifiers;
• Understand the behavior of circuits based on operational amplifiers with positive feedback
operating in steady state and transient conditions;
following concepts:
• Mathematics: basic notions; derivatives and integrals; differential equation;
• Physics: bases of electromagnetism.
- Operational amplifiers
- Introduction to semiconductor physics
- Diodes
- Field effect transistors (MOSFETS)
- Bipolar junction transistors (BJTs)
- Transistor amplifiers
- Integrated amplification components
- Differential amplifiers
- Frequency response
- Circuits with operational amplifiers
Referral texts
Books for consultation, available at the University libraries;
- Sedra A. S. and Smith C. K. “Microelectronic Circuits”, 5th Edition, Oxford Univ. Press, 2004
- Horowitz, Paul. and Hill, Winfield. “The art of electronics”, 3rd Edition
Assessment methods
The written test, lasting about 3 hours, consists of two or three exercises on electronic circuits to be analyzed (with the aim of verifying the student's ability to resolve and his/her methodology). Each exercise includes questions with variable scores, for a total of 100 points rolled back to 30 on a later
stage. During the written test it is possible to use books and handwritten or printed notes.
The written test is passed if assessed at least 18/30.
The subsequent oral exam consists of questions on the theoretical contents of the course carried out in class. It is not possible to use external documentation (books, forms and notes) during this test.
The mark is awarded on the basis of the overall evaluation of the written and oral tests. The evaluation of the written test will contribute at least 50% of the final grade if not more.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
blackboard (physical or virtual).
Classroom exercises (about 15 hours) on the analysis of electronic circuits are also carried out.
Students are invited to review the course materials (commented slides) available on the electronic platform of the course and to independently review the notes taken during the lessons.
Additionally, students are encouraged to solve circuit exercises explained in class as homework. The solutions of part of these exercises are provided on the digital platform.
FInally, students are encourage to bring electronics circuits of interest they migh want to examine during the lectures.
The activities will focus on simulation of analog and digital circuits. A possible project can be proposed as a further evaluation.
The number of hours dedicated to each element may vary.