Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM9020 (AF:358895 AR:187842)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course retrieves the fundamental principles of marketing and then deepens their application in the tourism field. Some topics, interconnected and of particular relevance in the current development of tourism, are subsequently explored: experiential marketing; tourism and internet; culture, events and destinations. Group activities are scheduled (optional) with which students will be encouraged to use the notions learned.
Students will acquire knowledge of the fundamental concepts and skills of analysis and understanding of the contexts, of the behaviors of the actors and their relationships, of the main marketing tools for tourist experiences.
They will develop their own ability to apply the concepts and theoretical models proposed during the course (also through group work) and to reason critically, highlighting potential and limits of their applicability.
Group work and discussion in the classroom will help develop research skills and independent study of materials (texts and academic articles, data and information available on the web, etc.) and also communication skills.
A basic preparation of marketing is suggested, obtained by studying an academic manual of marketing fundamentals among the many on the market. For example: J.J. Lambin, "Market driven management", VI edition, Milan, McGraw-Hill 2012, or M. Levens and F. Casarin, "Marketing", Milan, Pearson, 2014.

In addition, some simple introductory materials are available in the moodle area of the course to help those who do not have management and marketing concepts in their study background.
1. Principles, concepts and basic tools of marketing
2. Tourism products and offering systems: relationships and interactions between actors
3. Experiential marketing
4. Tourism and Digital Marketing
5. Culture, events and destinations
Rispoli M., Tamma M., Risposte strategiche alla complessità. Le forme di offerta dei prodotti alberghieri, Giappichelli, Torino, 1995. [Capitolo 1 (pp. 15-44 )]


Addis M., Ad uso e consumo. Il marketing esperienziale per il manager, Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondadori S.p.A, 2007. [capitolo: 1 (pp. 3-32), 2 (pp. 45-75)]


Carù A., Cova B., “Consuming Experiences. An Introduction”, in Carù A., Cova B. (a cura di) Consuming Experience, Routledge, New York, 2007 [pp. 3-15].

Minghetti, V., Montaguti, F., Mingotto, E. Come la digital economy trasforma le relazioni tra le imprese, i processi e le opportunità professionali nell’industria turistica - in Propsettive in Organizzzazione - La rivista di organizzazione aziendale

Stamboulis, Y., Skayannis, P., Innovation strategies and technology for experience-based tourism, in Tourism Management 24 (2003) 35–43.

Thakran, K., Verma, R., The Emergence of Hybrid Online Distribution Channels in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality, in Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 54(3) (240-247) -

Serra Cantallops, A., Ramón Cardona, J., Galbis Matarredona, M., The impact of Serch Engines on the Hotel Distribution Value Chain, in REDMARKA UIMA-Universidad de A Coruña - CIECID Año VI, Número 6, (2013), v2 (pp. 19-54) -

Richards G, Wilson J., Developing creativity in tourist experiences: A solution to the serial reproduction of culture?, in Tourism Management, 2006, n.26, (pp. 1209-1223).

M. Tamma (2022), Cultura, Turismo e Territorio: parole chiave, traiettorie, percorsi , in (a cura di) Candoni I., Turismo e valorizzazione: verso una nuova visione di rigenerazione territoriale in chiave 2021-27, Federturismo Confindustria.

Altri materiali obbligatori per l'esame, letture e informazioni, saranno indicati durante le lezioni e resi disponibili nella piattaforma moodle -> "Marketing del Turismo".

Other informations and additional readings will be made available during lessons. See the course page in the website: moodle -> "Marketing del Turismo"

Suggested Readings:
Casarin F., Il Marketing dei prodotti turistici,. Specificita e varieta, Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2007 [capitoli 3,4,5].

Buhalis D, Soo H.J., E-Tourism, Contemporary Tourism Reviews Series Editor: Chris Cooper.
Published by Goodfellow Publishers Limited, Woodeaton, Oxford, OX3 9TJ.

Stamboulis, Y., Skayannis, P., Innovation strategies and technology for experience-based tourism, in Tourism Management 24 (2003) 35–43.

Marine-Roig, E., Clavé, S.A., Tourism analytics with massive user-generated content: A case study of Barcelona, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 4 (2015) 162–172.

Salas-Olmedo M.H., Moya-Gomez, B., García-Palomares, J.C:, Gutierrez, J., Tourists' digital footprint in cities: Comparing Big Data sources, Tourism Management, 66, (13-25).
The exam is written; an additional oral examination may occur depending on the grade of the written exam.
See the file "leggimi.pdf" in the website: moodle -> "Marketing del Turismo"
written and oral
The course is mainly organized in lectures. Indications, references and supplementary materials will be made available to students through the moodle platform.
Group activities are scheduled (optional) with which students will be encouraged to use the notions learned.
It is mandatory to follow the course using the support of the moodle platform (news, information, materials, indications and suggestions for the study and the exam)
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 12/09/2022