Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CM0581 (AF:358572 AR:186460)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course aims to give a general overview of the intervention for the conservation of Cultural Heritage, with a particular focus on architectural heritage, considering the materials, the interaction with the indoor-outdoor environment and the use of the goods. Scientific approaches are discussed within theoretical frameworks and practical applications (cases of study), mainly connected to the preservation of coastal cities. In the course, methods for evaluating the state of conservation of CH, and materials and methods for the intervention will be analyzed, considering the most current approaches, including compatibility and sustainability aspects.
The course will provide a theoretical and practical basis on methodological aspects and good practices in the conservation of cultural heritage, with a particular focus on architectural heritage. The student will learn to evaluate the current methods of intervention critically, also considering aspects such as the sustainability of the intervention and the compatibility with the building and the environment. The course will provide specific tools to develop interdisciplinary research on Cultural Heritage conservation and propose specific projects for preserving the goods in different environmental conditions.
Analytical chemistry, Innovative materials for the conservation, Conservation science for the restoration of modern and contemporary art.
The course is organized with frontal lectures and seminars, thanks to the participation of international experts. Practical experiences in the laboratory will complete the course.
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Course. Orientation on the moodle materials. Presentation of the students and the teacher. Requirements.
Lecture 2: The action of intergovernmental organisations focusing on cultural heritage: current concerns and challenges – the case of ICOMOS Italy (conference)
Lecture 3: Concept of Authenticity (conference)
Lecture 4: Climate changes and risks for cultural heritage (conference)
Lecture 5: Cultural heritage protection (conference)
Lecture 6: The conservation intervention
Lecture 7: Diagnostic for the materials characterization and monitoring
Lecture 8: Degradation processes in coastal areas
Lecture 9: Methods against rising damp processes in historical masonries
Lecture 10: Innovative methodologies for the desalination of porous materials (conference)
Lecture 11: Reverse engineering and compatibility in the conservation of archaeological sites
Lecture 12: Protection and consolidation of architectural stone surfaces
Lecture 13: Calcined clays as admixtures in lime mortars and colors: a case study from the island of Gavdos. (conference)
Lecture 14: Indoor conservation: problems and standards (conference)
Lecture 15: A multidisciplinary approach to the preservation of cultural heritage: a case of study (conference)
Lecture 16, 17: case studies
Lecture 18: Introduction to the practical experience in the lab
Lecture 19-24: practical experiences in lab
Scientific papers provided by the teacher, lecture notes.
Some publications uploaded in Moodle:
Laura Falchi,Debora Slanzi , Eleonora Balliana , Guido Driussi , Elisabetta Zendri, Rising damp in historical buildings: A Venetian perspective, Building and Environment 131 (2018) 117–127
Cristina Sabbioni, Climate Change and its impact on Cultural Heritage, Cultural Heritage and Tourism Bruxelles, 2012
Rob P.J. van Hees, Silvia Naldini , Jose Delgado Rodrigues, Plasters and renders for salt laden substrates , Construction and Building Materials 23 (2009) 1714–1718
J. Delgado Rodrigues , A. Grossi, Indicators and ratings for the compatibility assessment of conservation actions , Journal of Cultural Heritage 8 (2007) 32-43
Zendri, Elisabetta; Falchi, Laura; Izzo, Francesca Caterina; Morabito, Zeno M.; Driussi, Guido, A review of common NDTs in the monitoring and preservation of historical architectural surfaces in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE, vol. on line version, pp. 987-1004 (ISSN 1558-3066)
Srinivas, Hari, "Heritage and Conservation Strategies: Understanding the Justifications and Implications". GDRC Reseaarch Output E-100. Kobe, Japan: Global Development Research Center. Retrieved from on Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Ioannis Poulios, Discussing strategy in heritage conservation: Living heritage approach as an example of strategic innovation, 2014, Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 4
G. Zacharopoulou, The renascence of lime based mortar technology. An appraisal of bibliographic study, PACT 55 (1998) 89-114
Assignments and grading will be based on:
• 20% class and participation;
• 80% Final examination (oral interview).
- taught lesson lectures;
- group discussions;
- student presentations.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Climate change and energy" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 01/07/2022