Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0214 (AF:357875 AR:209734)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course, considered as a core educational activity, aims to provide methodological tools that allow the student to elaborate a deep analysis of a work of art of Renaissance, to know how to connect them to the various contexts, by detecting the theoretical, economic, social and political implications.
- knowledge and understanding: knowledge of terminology; knowledge of main artists' poetic and works of art, groups and movements in the field of visual arts during the Renaissance;
- ability to apply knowledge and understanding: knowledge of how to use a precise terminology and ability to recognize main artists and works of art specified on the program, formulating an explanatory and argumentative exposure about artists' works and poetics;
- ability to understand: how to analyze a work of art or an artist's poetry or a group / movement among the studied ones, relating them to a correct temporal and cultural collocation; to be able to argue with property of language and correct formal analysis;
- communication skills: knowing how to use an appropriate and specific terminology, introduced and explained at lesson or on recommended texts and books; apply a good Italian syntax and grammar; being able to behave in a respectful and profitable way with professors and peers;
- learning skills: being able to understand how to connect a work of art or an author to cultural and artistic movements / groups or to a specific cultural moment, making comparisons between different themes based on thematic, formal, poetic bases.
Basic knowledge of Renaissance and Baroque art history
Giovanni Bellini and painting of his time in Veneto: Problems of chronology, style, iconography, collecting
P. Humfrey, La pittura a Venezia nel Rinascimento, Milano, Leonardo Arte, 1996 (ed. or. New Haven and London 1994)
The Cambridge Companion to Giovanni Bellini, a cura di P. Humfrey, Cambridge 2004.
Mantegna & Bellini, catalogo della mostra a cura di C. Campbell. D. Korbacher. N. Rowley e S. Vowles, London, National Gallery - Berlin, Staatliche Museen, 2018

A more specific bibliography will be distributed at the beginning of the lessons.
Students will present in class a research that will be the subject of collegial discussion. The research will be delivered to the teacher and it will be part of the following final evaluation process.

• Classroom Lecture: Presentation with Power Point (or other image viewer), 20/25 minutes. Participation (40%)
• Original research paper (60%). The paper must be delivered to the professor no later than 15 days before the examination, with oral discussion (60%).
Text max 20 pages (excluding Footnotes, Bibliography and Illustrations), times new roman 12; Space 1.5. Footnotes according to thesis standards. Illustrations at the end of the text, with list illustrations. Final Bibliography: Sources; Studies, in alphabetical order.

Students can also take the exam in oral mode, bringing the course bibliography and pdf of the lessons.
written and oral
Lectures with projected images; papers and discussions; visit to monuments, exhibitions, and collections. Students will present in class a research that will be the subject of collegial discussion. The research will be delivered to the teacher and it will be part of the final evaluation process.
Given the nature of the course, attendance is strongly recommended. Students not attending, shall agree an other specific bibliography with the teacher (by appointment).
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/09/2022