Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM3F30 (AF:357844 AR:189472)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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This course of lectures will present the basic concepts of materials and techniques that are involved in the creation of a cultural artifact.
A selected set of artifact types will be described. Both artifacts located in a open environment (architecture surfaces, frescoes, statues, etc.) as well as in a closed/confined environment (i.e. museums, archives, public and private houses, etc.) will be taken into consideration
Relationships between an artifact and its surrounding environment, such as degradation processes (both natural and anthropogenic), will be described.
Techniques, methods and procedures available and applicable for conservation and renewal of cultural artifacts will be also presented.
This course of lectures will aid the student in developing critical consciousness for the evaluation of art materials degradation, and artifacts conservation.
This course of lectures will help the student in developing communication skills in interacting with other “actors” (art conservators, restorers, superintendents, art historians, etc.) of cultural heritage sector

Attending lectures and self study of course contents (slides and lecture notes, reference texts) will allow students to reach the following goals:

1. knowledge and understanding

● to know main materials and related production techniques of hystorical, artistic and archeological artifacts
● to know related technical and scientific vocabulary
● to know technical recommendations and legislate references related to restoration and conservation
● to understand the complexity of interactions between artifacts and their surrounding environment

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding

● to know how to correctly apply technical and scientific vocabulary in all processes, including communication of acquired knowledge
● to know how to perform a basic analysis of degradation of artifacts and relationships with constituent materials
● to know how to correctly apply acquired competences to the evaluation of possible restoration and conservation intervention actions on artifacts

3. Judgment

● to know to formulate and argue basic to correctly apply technical and scientific vocabulary in all processes, including communication of acquired knowledge
● to know how to perform a basic analysis of artifact degradation and relationships with constituent materials

4. Communication skills

● to know how to communicate own considerations to other sector professionals with suitable terminology
● to know how to interact with other students and with the professor in a critical and educationally responsible manner

5. Ability to learn

● to know how to correctly take notes and share in a collaborative way
● to know how to critically refer to suggested texts and their bibliography

No specific prerequisites are required
Introduction to renewal theories and to the Cultural Heritage Code
The artifact and the environment: phenomena and agents that can affect the duration of artifacts, in open as well as in a closed/confined environment
Degradation processes and conservation/renewal projects: selection of methodologies and products
Architecture artifacts, especially surfaces: composition and production theories
Artistic and historical artifacts (paintings, boards, paper, etc.): production techniques
Prevention, protection and maintenance of artifacts.


- L. Lazzarini, M. Laurenzi Tabassi. Il restauro della Pietra. Ed. CEDAM
- G. Perusini. Il restauro dei dipinti e delle sculture lignee. Storia, teorie e tecniche. II Edition. Ed. Del Bianco, 1991
- Stella Casiello. La cultura del restauro. Teorie e fondatori, Napoli 2005
- C. Fiori, S. Lorusso, R. Pentrella. Restauro, manutenzione, conservazione dei beni culturali: materiali, prodotti, tecniche. Bologna, 2002
- Cesare Brandi. Teoria del restauro, Roma 1963
The written text will be based on 4 open-ended questions to be completed within 2 hours, and will be focused on specific arguments discussed during the lectures.
The student will have to demonstrate to have critically acquired issues related to degradation of materials, and conservation of artifacts, and to clearly express acquired information with appropriate language (no books, notes or electronic devices are admitted during the text).
Standard (teacher up front) lessons in combination with slides
required for examination:
- lesson slides and notes

Any modification to syllabus will be pointed out during the lectures.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 12/05/2021