Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM3E16 (AF:357815 AR:189406)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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Aim of the course is to offer the students of the Egart program a basic knowledge of the theory and of the archaeological methodology, with particular attention to the post-Classical archaeology. We will give particular attention to the problems of the management, valorization and dissemination of the archaeology, also through digital innovative solutions, using nautical archaeology as an example.
Basic knowledge of the methodological aspects of the modern archaeological research and of the potential of the discipline for a correct and aware production of innovative proposals for the management and the valorization in this filed, with particular attention for the dissemination.
Nothing in particular, but a basic knowledge of problems of the cultural heritage could help the comprehension of the course.
Among the topics which we will address: definition of the discipline, history of the studies, topics of the Medieval archaeological research, science applied, formation of deposits and degradation of the material, archaeological excavation, "public archaeology", musealization, innovative and digital dissemination, experimental archaeology, problems of the management of archaeological resources.
Indispensable text books:
Renfrew, C., Bahn, P., 2009, L'essenziale di archeologia. Teoria - metodi - pratiche, Milano (excluding chapters: 5, 8, 9) (every edition or reprint).
Volpe, G., 2020, Archeologia pubblica. Metodi, tecniche, esperienze, Roma (at least till p. 136).
Beltrame, C., 2014, Fortuna e potenzialità del relitto del “Mercurio”. Tra ricerca e valorizzazione. In Lignan. Società Archeologica Friuliana, 3 Udine. 325-336.
Articles or pamphlets which will be put at disposal during the course to cover the arguments not covered by the books.

Not indispensable text books:
Gelichi, S., 1997, Introduzione all’archeologia medievale. Storia e ricerca in Italia, Roma.
Students non attending the course will have to get good notes and to download the available lessons in pdf.
The check of the learning consists in a series of questions to verify the level of comprehension of the arguments exposed during the lessons and studied on the text books, but also the competence of an appropriate base of archaeological method and of a technical terminolology.
Front lessons with power point presentation which will be available for the students on Moodle, visits at museums, a percentual of lessons in blended mode through power point presentations with vocal or textual comments.
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 22/02/2021