Academic year
2021/2022 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0375 (AF:357755 AR:187333)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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The course of "PEDAGOGY OF DISABILITY" (6 credits - M-PED/03, improperly assigned to the SSD M-PED/01) is one of the educational activities associated with the degree course in [FT4] SCIENCES OF SOCIETY AND SOCIAL SERVICE - COMMON CURRICULUM, and allows the student to acquire the knowledge and understanding of the procedures and processes of integration and inclusion of people with disabilities throughout life; to reflect and experiment with relationships of help, support and care, interacting in the complexity of real social contexts.
The teaching concerns the training processes of specifically social inclusion.
This teaching is valid for the PF24CFU training path, as it is consistent with the training objectives and contents referred to in Annexes A and B of Ministerial Decree 616 of 10 August 2017, students will acquire the knowledge and skills indicated, in relation to the basic elements in pedagogical disciplines for area A), useful for the exercise of the teaching profession in secondary school.
Graduate students interested in educational and scholastic inclusion processes will have to follow the course of PEDAGOGY AND DIDACTICS OF INCLUSION associated with the master's degree program in PHILOSOPHICAL SCIENCES - HUMAN SCIENCES AND TRAINING [FM61].
Knowledge and understanding: Understanding and mastering the constituent elements of the Pedagogy of inclusion: epistemology and terminology, problems and methods.
Applied knowledge and understanding: Analyze and identify similarities and differences in the processes of social integration and in the paths of relational inclusion of people with disabilities.
Making judgments: To articulate and critically express the most current problems and the ethical implications inherent in the paths of educational and social inclusion. Formulate and support solution proposals.
No specific knowledge is required.
Fundamentals of special pedagogy.
Integration and inclusion.
The history of disabled people. Prejudices and stereotypes.
The educational accompaniment of the disabled person.
The helping relationship.
Resilience, self-efficacy and empowerment.
Disabilities and training networks.
Affectivity and sexuality.
Research with life stories.
Life stories of disabled adults.
Pedagogical reflections on life stories.
1) Basic text: Tessaro, F. (2021). Pedagogia della disabilità per le professionalità socio-educative (handouts published online)
2) A text chosen for non-attending students:
- Serra, G. (2020). Storia e teorie della disabilità. Dal mostro al soggetto alla persona, dall'esclusione all'inclusione. Nulla Die Ed. Piazza Armerina (EN)
- Dettori, F. (2011). Perdersi e ritrovarsi. Una lettura pedagogica della disabilità in età adulta. FrancoAngeli MI.
- Autobiographical account and reflection "My meeting with disability" (to be sent before the exam) (learning outcomes nr: 3)
- Online test, with multiple choice questions. (learning outcomes nr: 1)
- Written test, with open-ended questions on all texts and materials published online (learning outcomes nr: 3)

Lectures and workshop. Useful analytical techniques and decision-making (case study, incident, autobiography).

Ca ’Foscari applies Italian law (Law 17/1999; Law 170/2010) for support and accommodation services available to students with disabilities or with specific learning difficulties. If you have a motor, visual, hearing or other disability (Law 17/1999) or a specific learning disorder (Law 170/2010) and you require support (classroom assistance, technological aids for carrying out exams or exams individualized, accessible format material, note retrieval, specialist tutoring to support the study, interpreters or other) contact the Disability and DSA office

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 28/06/2021