Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0081 (AF:356574 AR:256601)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course is characterized by students who choose the Spanish language and literature A or B in the course of studies in "Languages, civilization and sciences of language", for all three courses offered (Literary-cultural, Linguistic-philological-language teaching, Political-international). It can also be included in the study plan as «free choice credits» or as a related-supplementary subject.
The course will offer an approach to modern Spanish culture (from the "Siglo de Oro" to the nineteenth century) through the theater. Four theatrical works from different cultural eras will be studied, with a selection of critical texts that facilitate the contextualization of literary texts and with the support of graphic documents and audiovisual material for the spectacle part.
Knowledge and understanding
- Know the main phenomena of the cultural history of Spain from the 17th to the 21st century and the literary periods with their characteristics.
- Know the tools of theatrical analysis with its specific terminology, as well as the critical tradition.
- Know the appropriate skills to deal with the reading, translation and critical analysis of texts in Spanish from the classical and contemporary period.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding.
- Ability to frame the dramatic text and the theatrical performance in their socio-cultural and literary context.
- Knowing how to critically apply the analysis tools of the text and the theatrical performance, and be able to discuss other critical opinions.
Judgment skills
- Ability to self-assess one's own competence in understanding the Spanish language, and also to autonomously implement strategies to strengthen the passive and active (written and oral) competence of the Spanish language.
- Development of the ability of critical analysis of literary passages (structure, linguistic aspects, relationship with the culture of the moment and evaluation of their contribution to the Hispanic, European and American civilization, etc.), of autonomy of judgment in the interpretation and discussion of critical sources.
Communication skills
In the double written and oral level (in Spanish), the course allows you to acquire the ability to relate to interlocutors (specialists and non-specialists), in order to transmit information, express ideas, pose or solve problems on Spanish culture and literature, critically, using appropriate terminology and referring to adequate and updated bibliographic sources. This communication skill can be developed in the presence and on the virtual classroom forum.
Learning ability
Undertake and plan the study of the material provided by the teacher independently; select bibliographic sources and electronic resources to increase knowledge of the history of modern Spanish theater. The course allows you to acquire autonomous learning skills, which allow you to undertake any subsequent studies of Spanish culture and theater.
Knowledge of the Spanish language; ability to analyze and criticize the literary text.
1. Introducción: radiografía del teatro
1.1. Poética y poéticas
1.2. Breve historia: de La Celestina al hoy
1.3. El mito de don Juan
2. El teatro del Siglo de Oro (siglos XVI-XVII)
2.1. Cartografía dramática: autores, géneros, sistema
2.2. Un manifiesto revolucionario: forma y sentido del Arte nuevo
2.3. El origen de todo: El burlador de Sevilla (atribuido a Tirso)
3. Docere et delectare: el teatro del siglo XVIII
3.1. Teatro y ensayo
3.2. El sí de las niñas de Fernández de Moratín
4. Pasiones románticas: el teatro del siglo XIX
4.1. El drama romántico: Don Juan Tenorio de José Zorrilla
4.2. La cumbre de la ópera: Don Giovanni (y otros donjuanes)
5. Cara y cruz del teatro en los siglos XX-XXI
5.1. Del fin de siècle al teatro imposible
5.2. Un poco de todo: don Juan en los siglos XX-XXI
5.3. Un montaje discutible: El don Juan Tenorio de la CNTC (2014)
Testi obbligatori
1. TIRSO DE MOLINA (atribuido a), El burlador de Sevilla, ed. I. Arellano, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1998 [+ diversas reediciones].
2. ZAMORA, Antonio de, No hay deuda que no se pague y convidado de piedra, ed. I. Arellano, Madrid, Sociedad Estatal España Nuevo Milenio, 2001 [Moodle].
3. FERNÁNDEZ DE MORATÍN, Leandro, La comedia nueva. El sí de las niñas, ed. J. Pérez-Magallón, Madrid, RAE, 2015.
4. ZORRILLA, José, Don Juan Tenorio, ed. L. Fernández Cifuentes, Madrid, RAE, 2012.
[+ 5. Un’opera drammatica sul mito di don Giovanni a scelta dello/a studente/essa.]
Letture integrative
ARELLANO, Ignacio, Historia del teatro español del siglo XVII, Madrid, Cátedra, 1995 [pp. 61-140 y 447-517].
— «Las raíces del mito: don Juan, de Tirso a Zorrilla», en Don Juan, genio y figura, coord. G. Santonja, Madrid, Sociedad Estatal España Nuevo Milenio, 2001, pp. 25-46.
SÁEZ, Adrián J., «Reescritura e intertextualidad en Calderón: No hay cosa como callar», Criticón, 117, 2013, pp. 159-176.
VITSE, Marc, «Don Juan o temor y temeridad: algunas observaciones más sobre El burlador de Sevilla», Caravelle, 13, 1969, pp. 63-82.
Letture consigliate
ALBIAC BLANCO, María Dolores, Historia de la literatura española, 4. Razón y sentimiento (1692-1800), Barcelona, Crítica, 2011.
ALONSO, Cecilio, Historia de la literatura española, 5. Hacia una literatura nacional (1800-1900), Barcelona, Crítica, 2010.
ALVAR, Carlos, José-Carlos MAINER y Rosa NAVARRO DURÁN, Breve historia de la literatura española, Madrid, Alianza, 1997.
ARELLANO, Ignacio, «Las raíces del mito: Don Juan, de Tirso a Zorrilla», en Don Juan, genio y figura, coord. G. Santonja, Madrid, Sociedad Estatal España Nuevo Milenio, 2001, pp. 25-46.
BRUNEL, Pierre, Dictionnaire de Don Juan, París, Laffont, 1999.
CALDERA, Ermanno, El teatro español en la época romántica, Madrid, Castalia, 2001.
CHECA BELTRÁN, José, Razones del buen gusto: poética española del neoclasicismo, Madrid, CSIC, 1998.
MANDEL, Oscar, The theatre of Don Juan: a collection of plays and views, 1630-1963, Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1963.
MÁRQUEZ VILLANUEVA, Francisco, Orígenes y elaboración de «El Burlador de Sevilla», Salamanca, Universidad de Salamanca, 1966.
PEDRAZA JIMÉNEZ, Felipe B., y Milagros RODRÍGUEZ CÁCERES, Las épocas de la literatura española, Barcelona, Ariel, 1997.
RUIZ PÉREZ, Pedro, Historia de la literatura española, 3. El siglo del arte nuevo (1598-1691), Barcelona, Crítica, 2010.
SÁEZ, Adrián J., «Algunas notas interpretativas sobre El burlador de Sevilla», Theatralia: Revista de Poética del Teatro, 12, 2010, pp. 131-145.
SEBOLD, Russell P., Trayectoria del Romanticismo español: desde la ilustración hasta Bécquer, Barcelona, Critica, 1983.
[Nota bene: ulteriore materiale didattico verrà messo a disposizione on-line durante il corso.]
The verification of learning takes place in two ways:
1) the active participation of the student in the practical lessons, where the literary analyzes carried out following the instructions of the teacher will be discussed;
2) the preparation and presentation in class of a work on a dramatic version of the myth of Don Giovanni from universal literature (to be approved by the teacher).
3) a final oral test (in Spanish or Italian, optionally), consisting of an interview to evaluate the knowledge of the main phenomena of the cultural history of Spain from the 1600s to the 1900s and the knowledge and understanding of the literary periods, as well as verify the ability to frame the dramatic text and the theatrical performance in its context and the ability to critically apply the tools of analysis.
written and oral
The course will combine theoretical and practical lessons: in addition to the teacher's lessons, the student will have to prepare the compulsory and supplementary readings to critically discuss the literary analyzes in the lessons following the teacher's indications.
All critical materials will be available on the University's Moodle e-learning platform.
Learning language: spanish.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 25/08/2023