- Academic year
- 2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LT006V (AF:356502 AR:207626)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 12
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/09
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 2
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
The course consists of a semester module held by the teacher in the second semester and of annual linguistic exercises (first and second semesters) held by native speakers.
The general objectives of the course are to:
1) achieve linguistic competence at a level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR);
2) provide students with the tools to understand linguistic variation in the lusophone world, especially in Brazil, and to reflect critically on concepts standard language, variation and linguistic prejudice.
The achievement of expected learning outcomes is verified through a structured examination.
Expected learning outcomes
To know the phonological, morphosyntactic and pragmatic structures of the Portuguese and Brazilian language (Portuguese and Brazilian language competence equal to B2 level of CEFR).
To know the dimensions of the linguistic variation.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
To be able to interact in communication situations corresponding to a level B2 of the CEFR.
To understand and produce written and oral texts that correspond to a B2 level of the CEFR.
To know how to recognize and describe the inter-and intra-linguistic variation of Portuguese language.
3. Autonomy of judgment
To be able to issue correction and grammatical judgments based on linguistic reflections.
To be able to find the bibliographic sources suggested by the teacher.
To be able to use electronic resources for the study of phonological and morphological structures at the initial level (electronic resources such as those made available, for example, by Infopedia, Priberam).
To be able to implement communication strategies corresponding to a B2 level of CEFR.
4. Communicative skills
To be able to interact in Portuguese and Brazilian language in communicative situations provided by B2 level of CEFR.
To be able to implement the B2 language skills to present the main linguistic variation phenomena studied in the teaching module.
To be able to illustrate the main differences between the European and Brazilian varieties of the Portuguese language from a phonological, lexical, morphosyntactic and pragmatic point of view.
To be able to identify similarities and differences between the Mozambican and Angolan varieties of the Portuguese language.
To be able to apply linguistic terminology to describe the phenomena of linguistic variation in the Portuguese and Brazilian languages.
5. Learning Skills
To be able to self-evaluate at an initial level with respect to one's competence in the Portuguese and Brazilian language and with respect to the acquisition of metalinguistic contents.
To be able to apply the acquired knowledge to undertake the study of the next course (Portuguese and Brazilian Language 3).
The module will focus mainly on the linguistic variation of the Portuguese and Brazilian languages by addressing the following topics:
1. Notes on the history of the Portuguese language (from birth to arrival in Portuguese-speaking countries)
2. Language change (social institutions, variation, language contact)
3. Variation and variety of Portuguese, yesterday and today
4. Bilingualism and diglossia; sociolinguistic prestige and linguistic prejudice
5. Dimensions of variation (diachrony, diatopic, diastratic, diamesic, diaphasic / diatextuality)
6. Portuguese standard: system, norm and use
7. Popular Portuguese
Annual exercises:
Grammatical, lexical, textual and communicative contents of the Portuguese and Brazilian language (B2 level of CEFR).
Referral texts
Required text:
Bagno M. “Por que uma gramática brasileira?”, in M. Lupetti e V. Tocco (a cura di) GIOCHI DI SPECCHI. Modelli, tradizioni, contaminazioni e dinamiche interculturali nei e tra i paesi di lingua portoghese, Pisa: ETS, 2016, pp. 477- 487.
Beline R. “A variação linguística”, in J. L. Fiorin (org.) INTRODUÇÃO À LINGUÍSTICA, I. Objetos teóricos. 6. ed., São Paulo: Contexto, 2014, pp. 122-140.
Castagna V. “Opere letterarie e best-seller tra adattamento ortografico e traduzione intralinguistica”, in M. Lupetti e V. Tocco (a cura di) GIOCHI DI SPECCHI. Modelli, tradizioni, contaminazioni e dinamiche interculturali nei e tra i paesi di lingua portoghese, Pisa: ETS, 2016, pp. 495-504.
Chagas P. "A mudança linguística", in J. L. Fiorin (org.) INTRODUÇÃO À LINGUÍSTICA, I. Objetos teóricos. 6. ed., São Paulo: Contexto, 2014, pp. 141-163.
De Rosa G. L. “Luunda no processo de elaboração do português angolano”, in M. Lupetti e V. Tocco (a cura di) GIOCHI DI SPECCHI. Modelli, tradizioni, contaminazioni e dinamiche interculturali nei e tra i paesi di lingua portoghese, Pisa: ETS, 2016, pp. 551- 560.
Faraco C. A. "História da língua portuguesa e de suas culturas" in C.R. Faraco HISTÓRIA DO PORTUGUÊS, 1. ed., São Paulo, Parábola, 2019, pp. 61-121.
Faraco C. NORMA CULTA BRASILEIRA: desatando alguns nós, São Paulo, Parábola, 2008.
Gonçalves P.; Stroud C. (orgs.) PANORAMA DO PORTUGUÊS ORAL DE MAPUTO, Vol. III, Estruturas gramaticais do Português: problemas e exercícios, Maputo: Inde, 1998, pp.36-148.
Guimarães E. “A língua portuguesa no Brasil”, Cienc. Cult. [online]. 2005. vol.57, n.2, pp. 24-28. http://cienciaecultura.bvs.br/pdf/cic/v57n2/a15v57n2.pdf
Ilari R. ; Basso R. O PORTUGUÊS DA GENTE. A LÍNGUA QUE ESTUDAMOS, A LÍNGUA QUE FALAMOS. São Paulo: Contexto, 2006. (Cap. O português na América pp. 49-94; Algumas características do português brasileiro pp. 95-150; Português do Brasil: a variação que vemos e a variação que esquecemos de ver pp. 151-196).
Lubello S., Nobili C. L'ITALIANO E LE SUE VARIETÀ, Firenze, Franco Cesati, 2018.
Mollica M. C., Braga M. L. (orgs.) INTRODUÇÃO À SOCIOLINGUÍSTICA: O TRATAMENTO DA VARIAÇÃO. 4. ed., São Paulo: Contexto, 2013. (Cap. 1 Fundamentação teórica: conceituação e delimitação, pp. 9-14; Cap. 3 Relevância das variáveis não linguísticas, 27-31; Cap. 4 – A variável gênero/sexo, pp. 33-42; Cap. 5 – O dinamismo das línguas, pp. 43-50; Cap. 6 – A relevância da variável escolaridade, pp. 51-57).
Palermo M. LINGUISTICA, 2a ed., Bologna, il Mulino, 2020 [Capitolo 6 - L'italiano nello spazio sociale e comunicativo, pp.167-248].
Additional bibliographic material may be indicated or distributed by the teacher during the course and will be made available online.
For consultation:
Cunha C.; Cintra L. NOVA GRAMÁTICA DO PORTUGUÊS CONTEMPORÂNEO, Lisboa, Sá da Costa, última ed.
Lanciani G.; Faria C. V. de S.; Pippa S. CORSO DI BRASILIANO B1-B2, Milano: Hoepli, 2016.
Exercises with Dott.ssa Julieta Oliveira:
Coimbra I.; Coimbra O.M., GRAMÁTICA ATIVA 1. Lisboa: Lidel, 2011.
Coimbra, I.; Coimbra O.M., GRAMÁTICA ATIVA 2. Lisboa: Lidel, 2012.
Duarte G. HISTÓRIAS DE BOLSO. 21 Contos de autores lusófonos anotados para estrangeiros. Lisboa: Lidel, 2016.
Sena-Lino P.; Boléo M. J. M. CIDADES DO MAR - Português Língua Estrangeira - Nível B1 - Porto, Porto Editores, 2021. (For 1st semester)
Sena-Lino P.; Boléo M. J. M. CIDADES DO MAR - Português Língua Estrangeira - Nível B2 - Porto, Porto Editores, (For 2nd semester)
Assessment methods
The written test, in order to verify the achievement of the linguistic competence (level C1 of the CEFR), consists of two parts whose average results are evaluated on a 30/30 basis:
1) dictation about 10 lines (30 points - 15 min)
2) grammatical test (30 points - 60 min)
3) composition about 20 lines (30 points - 60 min)
The oral examination, which takes place entirely in Portuguese, consists of two parts:
- the first consists of a conversational language interaction on a selection of literary texts of Lusophone authors of different historical periods and of different origins in order to verify the achievement of oral communication competence (level B2 of the CEFR, duration: about 15-20 minutes);
- the second part aims to verify the achievement of the metalinguistic competence on the contents of the teaching module (duration: 15-20 minutes).
The two parts of the oral examination are evaluated globally, resulting in a 30/30 basis evaluation that will average with the grade obtained in the written test, thus resulting in a total examination.
The written test is preliminary to the oral test, which should be done in a single sitting and within the same exam session in which the written test is passed.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
a) frontal teaching;
b) exercises.
Lessons are held in Portuguese.
Further information
The theoretical module of the course will be held in the second semester.
Exercises begin with the academic year.
Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher (carla.faria@unive.it) at the beginning of the academic year and at the beginning of the second semester.
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development