- Academic year
- 2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LT006G (AF:356454 AR:228388)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 0 out of 12 of CATALAN LANGUAGE 2
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/07
- Period
- Annual
- Course year
- 2
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
The general objective of the teaching is to develop all the language skills (as well as the critical ability of one's student) to reach the required levels in each year. At the end of the course, the student reaches a basic level B1+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for the knowledge of languages (QCER)
Expected learning outcomes
Knowing the vocabulary concerning everyday communication situations and grammar.
Linguistic knowledge of the Catalan language up to the B2 level of the CEFR.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding
Knowing how to use the right vocabulary and a correct grammar for each of the daily communicative situations (discussed during the lessons).
To understand and produce written and oral texts from a level A2 to B2 of the CEFR.
3. Making judgments
Ability to identify any grammatical and phonological errors and to be able to find the bibliographic sources suggested by the teacher (such as knowing how to use the linguistic resource online or different dictionaries).
4. Communication skills
know how to communicate information in Catalan, using vocabulary and syntactic structures appropriate for everyday situations.
5. Learning skills
Self-evaluation skills at the initial level compared to the acquisition of metalinguistic contents, as well as to their competence in the Catalan language.
Acceptar o rebutjar propostes o invitacions
Demanar i donar informació sobre activitats de lleure
Demanar i expressar gustos, preferències, avinences, desavinences, acord, desacord i indiferència
Donar explicacions o excuses i acceptar-les
Donar indicacions per anar a un lloc
Explicar projectes de futur pròxim
Fer propostes i contrapropostes per fer activitats conjuntament
Fer servir les convencions pròpies d'una conversa telefònica
Fer valoracions
Indicar hores i temps de manera imprecisa
Demanar i donar informació sobre què ha fet algú recentment
Demanar i donar opinions sobre esdeveniments importants
Demanar l'origen d'una informació
Explicar una notícia breu
Expressar un fet com a aparent o probable
Preguntar sobre el coneixement, la ignorància o la seguretat d'un fet
Reaccionar davant d'una notícia
Descriure persones pel seu aspecte físic i per la seua manera de ser
Explicar canvis personals (en el físic i en la manera de ser), polítics i socials
Explicar fets i rutines del passat
Fer suposicions, en present i en passat, sobre l'aspecte físic
Relacionar fets del passat amb l'experiència personal
Descriure un mal i una malaltia
Donar consells
Explicar el caràcter d'una persona
Expressar un estat d'ànim o un estat físic
Opinar sobre diferents tipus de medicines
Referral texts
Vilagrasa, Albert (2018) A punt, 2. Curs de català. Llibre de l'alumne. Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat.
Vilagrasa, Albert (2018) A punt, 2. Curs de català. Llibre d'exercicis. Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat.
Reference grammar (Lingua Catalana 1/2/3)
• Bastons, N; Bernadó, C; Camajoan, L. (2011). Gramàtica pràctica del català. Barcelona: Teide.
Assessment methods
During the first and second semester, the student will have to perform different tasks:
- compositions (5%)
- reading a book in foreign languages + activities (5%): L'altra, by Marta Rojals [LC2]
- two six-monthly written tests on the grammatical and lexical contents of the exercises (20%, 10% each test)
- a final written and oral exam divided into two parts [a) contents of the lectorate b) open-ended questions and quizzes on the contents of the theoretical module] 60%
- a final paper on theoretical content (10%)
In order to proceed with the final evaluation of the course, it is mandatory to have passed and passed all the tests and all the parts (lectorate and module) and to have delivered all the required tasks.
When you're in class, speak Catalan whenever possible, even with your classmates. Any foreign language is learned by making mistakes!
Tests and projects:
There are some tests during the course, there will be two partial tests that will take place at the end of each semester and at the end of the course a final exam
Type of exam
Teaching methods
The teaching methodology includes resources of all kinds, from the classic grammar manual with exercises to more contemporary resources, such as YouTube, webseries in Catalan (Drama, Mai neva a ciutat), self-learning web platforms (, social networks (Instagram), songs, etc.
Furthermore, academic and cultural meetings will be held throughout the semester in order to listen, produce oral texts and interact in real cultural situations.
Teaching language
Further information
Furthermore, Ca 'Foscari will be the official seat for carrying out the Proves de certificació de Català as a Foreign Language, organized every year by the Institut Ramon Llull, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (see http: //
For clarifications and information, please contact the teacher by e-mail:
Useful links:
Institut Ramon Llull, Aprendre català al món (imparare catalano nel mondo)
Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística, Aprendre català a internet (imparare catalano su internet)
VISAT. La revista digital de literatura i traducció del PEN català
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development