Academic year
2022/2023 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT7030 (AF:356438 AR:203630)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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This course is meant for students who have chosen the track of study “International Politics” and is part of the its base activities. It is particularly aimed to students of Spanish, Portuguese and Hispanic-American, trying to analyze the history of the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America in a comparative way. In relation to the learning objectives of the curriculum “International Politics”, it adopts a transversal perspective in the studies of the transatlantic world, between Iberian and Latin America societies, both in the colonial transfers and in the cultural, political and social aspects that brought close and differentiate these two regions, and also in relation to a global geopolitical framework. In this sense, the main objective of the course is to familiarize students with the dynamics that involved the Iberian and Ibero-American contexts from the and of the 19th Century until nowadays.
Learning objectives to be reached by students

1. Knowledge and understanding:
The course provides students with tools that will help them to understand the Iberian and Latin American contemporary History. It aims to improve their knowledge of the historical context of contemporary problems, to introduce them to the different formative dynamics of the Iberian and Latin American contemporary societies and to understand better some of the main sociopolitical problems of this geographical area.

2. Ability to use acquired knowledge in order to:
- Understand better the context of contemporary events, considering the historical dynamics of the area;
- Distinguish the different historical movements that produced change and conservation in the social, political and cultural processes in Latin America and in the Iberian Peninsula;
- Apply the historical concepts to the comprehension of the societies dealt with during the semester.

3. Autonomy of judgment:
Ability to read with a critical mind textbooks in Iberian and Latin America History and newspaper articles; ability to find original arguments on issues related to political, social and cultural aspects of the geographical area.

4. Ability to comunicate:
Ability to structure an oral or written argumentation and to justify it in relation to the issues dealt with during the semester. In order to reach this goal, the course includes group presentations, written exercises and the critical presentation (on a voluntary basis).

5. Ability to learn:
- Ability to use the knowledge acquired through the course to interpret critically contemporary phenomena in the realm of the transatlantic societies.
- Ability to collect autonomously bibliographical references to analyze the Iberian and Latin American societies, in a historical and contemporary perspective. Ability to use this information in the student’s future studies related to general issues of the political international concentration.

On the basis of the competences described above, students are expected:
- To be able to consolidate their knowledge of a map of the building process of the contemporary Iberian and Ibero-American societies and to have a general perspective on the main historical dynamics.
- To interpret critically the use of the main historiographical studies about the sociopolitical phenomena in the geographical area.
Basic knowledge of contemporary history.
1. WW1 and the breaking of the political and social Order
2. Populism, authoritarianism and dictatorship
3. Authoritarian regime and the return to democracy
4. Late 20th Century and the neoliberal world
5. 21st Century: new political projects and the debate about the memory
(To Hispanic American and Spanish students)
CASANOVA, Julián; GIL ANDRÉS, Carlos. Historia de España en el siglo XX. Barcelona, Ariel, 2012. (pp. 109-370)
ZANATTA, Loris. Storia dell'America Latina Contemporanea. Roma, Laterza, 2010. (pp. 96-249)

(To Portuguese and Brazilian students)
COSTA PINTO, António; GONÇALO MONTEIRO, Nuno. História Política Contemporânea. Porugal: 1808-2000. Lisboa, Penguin Randon House, 2019. (pp. 139-306)
ZANATTA, Loris. Storia dell'America Latina Contemporanea. Roma, Laterza, 2010. (pp. 96-249)

(To students of other languages)
ZANATTA, Loris. Storia dell'America Latina Contemporanea. Roma, Laterza, 2010. (pp. 96-249)
a second book will be decided with the professor
CASANOVA, Julián; GIL ANDRÉS, Carlos. Twentieth-Century Spain: A History. Cambridge University Press, 2014.
COSTA PINTO, António. Contemporary Portugal. Politics, society and culture. New York, SSM-Columbia University Press, 2011.
To ALL students:
The evaluation will consist in a written (70%) and an oral (30%)exams, always with the target to show his or her capacity to map the main processes that have marked the Iberian and Ibero-American 20th Century and to critically analyze the historiography of the main phenomena that impacted the studied societies, with the use of the reference texts.

To the attendants (student choice):
1. participation in the seminaries that take part of the course formation, as others formative activities (20%).
2. a mid-term written exam (30%):with the target to show his or her capacity to map the main processes that have marked the Iberian and Ibero-American 20th Century and to critically analyze the historiography of the main phenomena that impacted the studied societies, with the use of the reference texts;
3. attendant students will have to do a presentation in class, on a topic agreed with the teacher, related to the course contents (20%);
4. a final written exame (30%):with the target to show his or her capacity to map the main processes that have marked the Iberian and Ibero-American 20th Century and to critically analyze the historiography of the main phenomena that impacted the studied societies, with the use of the reference texts;
written and oral
The classes will be carried out with frontal lectures, seminars, texts and documents lecture laboratory, a commented screening of a movie related with the themes discussed in the course and an oral presentation.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 23/05/2022